{38} Rivel

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"Alright, Gel," Jayden starts as he parks in the school parking lot. "Now that you're dating my best friend, we better set some ground rules."

"Seriously, Jay Jay?" I whine.

"Shut your trap and listen." He rolls his eyes.

"Meanie." I grumble under my breath, pouting.

He takes a deep breath before diving into the stupid ass rules he came up with.

"1) No being all lovey-dovey in front of me. 2) No kissing in front of Raziel, Hunter and I. 3) Don't hurt him. And, 4) Absolutely no kissing."

"Hmm, let's see," I put my finger to my chin in fake thought. "Number 1, Depends. Number 2, We'll see. Number 4, Shut up."

"What about Number 3?" He points out when I don't answer for that one.

"Number 3, do I even have to say anything?" I answer rhetorically. "I would rather die than ever hurt him."


I smirk as I see River at his locker, resting his head on the cool metal in annoyance as Sally stands next to him, yapping into his ear.

Wait, Sally?

As I get closer, I can hear what they're saying.

"And we can go to a movie-"

"Listen, Barbie Bitch 2.0, I have a girlfriend." River interrupts her, pulling his head away from his locker.

"Whatever, I know you're only saying that to make me jealous." Sally flips her bleach blonde hair over her shoulder.

Here comes the sarcastic remark.

"You've caught me," River sighs dramatically. "I'm only saying I have a girlfriend to make your fake ass jealous."

"I knew it." Sally completely ignores the fact the River called her fake and bites her lip seductively. Or at least tries to, she looks constipated. "What do you say we find an empty janitor's closet?"

"I have a better idea." River plays along, watching Sally smirk. "I'll stay here and you go take a hike  in those ridiculous death traps you call heels. Maybe you can fall off a cliff while you're at it."

"Stop playing hard to get, River." She leans up towards him, puckering her bright pink glossed lips.

"I'm not playing hard to get." River rolls his green eyes. "I'm trying hard to get away from you."

Sally gasps and gives him a death before regaining her composure. "You know you want me."

"Yeah, I want you to get lost." River fires bluntly.

I take that as my cue to cut in.

"Forest!" I call, walking up to him.

His annoyed look turns into a smile as he sees me.

"Hey, Devil." He leans down and pecks my lips.

"Wha-What?!" Sally stutters.

"I told you I had a girlfriend, didn't I?" River sends Sally a smirk.

"B-But you said you were trying to make me jealous." She whines.

"He was being sarcastic, honey." I give her a sickly sweet smile. "Look it up."

Sally screams and stomps her foot before stalking off.

"Thank god, she was starting to piss me off so much I was debating between jamming her heels in her own throat or ripping my ears off." River sighs in relief.

I chuckle as I lean up to kiss him, he happily kisses back.

I pull away from River and cringe as four squeals erupt from the school doors.

Ashlynn, Magik, Beyonce and Shakayla all rush over, squishing me in a hug.

"As much as I love my girlfriend being squashed to death, could you please let go of her before she dies from lack of air."

They let go of me, smiling sheepishly.

Ashlynn turns to River. "Listen here, mister, if you even think about hurting my sister, Fee-Fee Fuzzy Poops will shove her horn so far up your ass you'll be able to feel it in your throat!"


"Hello, student body!" The familiar voice of my stupid ass brothers boom through the speakers.

"Is that?" River looks at me.

I nod. "Yup."

"I'm Jayden-"

"I'm Raziel-"

"I'm Hunter!"

Muffled sound come from the other side as they snatch the microphone away from eachother.

"Anyway, to all of those who have been crushing on our baby sister, Angel-"

"Piss off, because she's got a boyfriend!" Raziel cuts him off.

"Haha, suckers!" Hunter yells.

"Mr Paris, Mr TeNana-Williams, the other Mr TeNana-Williams!" Mr Farrington's muffle voice rings out in the background. "If you don't unlock this door right now I'll-"

"Shut up, old man, we're trying to make an announcement!" Jayden shouts, successfully cutting off our principal. 

We hear a crash.

"Owie!" Raziel whines. "Hunter, you little puta!"

"Oww! Seriously, what is it with everyone hitting me?!" Hunter exclaims.


News travels fast in this school.

It's lunch time now and everybody, even the teachers, know that River and I are dating.

Well, it doesn't exactly help that Jayden, Raziel and Hunter literally announced it during Math.

"I still can't believe they did that." I groan as River and I walk hand-in-hand to the cafeteria.

I can hear Ashlynn and Josh arguing as River and I reach our table.

"No, Bushfire!"


"What the hell are you idiots arguing about?" Is River's confused question.

"Your ship name!" Ash answers as we sit down. "Bushfire!"

"No!" Josh protests. "Anger!"







"I can just feel the sexual tension." River smirks when Josh and Ashlynn stop arguing and blush.

"So," I clap my hands. "Rivel it is!"

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