{30} New Profile Picture

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"Did you get the petrol?!" Is the first thing my lovely family asks us when we get back.

"Hey guys, yeah we're fine, thanks, we had an awesome night." I list sarcastically.

River chuckles before handing Jayden the petrol.

"Oh, thank the lord." Jayden literally plants a kiss on the nozzle of the petrol tank.

Weird boy.

I roll my eyes before taking a seat on the bench the was next to where we were parked.

I feel someone take a seat next to me and turn my head to see River smiling at me.

I smile back. "What're you smiling about?"

"Just thinking about how you threatened that old guy back at the gas station." He answers, chuckling softly.

"What can I say? I have a way with words." I sigh dramatically, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He grabs my hand.

"Angel, River."

We look at Raziel.


"Got 'em...again." He holds his phone up proudly like had had at Burger King yesterday.


"My babies!" Mom engulfs Jayden and I in a tight hug as soon as we walk through the door. She kisses us all over the face repeatedly before pulling away. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, mom." Jayden kisses her cheek before walking to the kitchen, most likely to beg dad to make him pizza or something.

"Mamá!" I screech, lunging at my mom and squashing her in a hug.

"What's wrong, cariño?" She questions, stroking my hair as I hug her tightly.

"We got chased by Chewbacca!"


And I spilled my guts.

"Well, we played the Ouija Board but then we heard noises, so we left, while we were running to the car, I turned around and saw a giant, hairy ass thing chasing us. I didn't know what it was, so I named it Chewbacca. We got to the car but Hunter couldn't find the keys. While we were looking for them, Chewbacca banged on the front of the car. As soon as Ash found the keys, Hunter floored it out of there. We got lost then the van ran out of gas, so River and I went to the gas station to get some, but when we got there, it was closed. We ended up sleeping on the ground. In the morning, the owner of the shop turned out to be an asshole and wouldn't give us gas, so I threatened him."

"What did you say?" Mom questions curiously.

"I told him if he didn't give me the gas, I would slit his throat and smoke weed with his windpipe."

"That's my girl." She says proudly. "I've taught you well, my child."

Then, my phone beeps, signalling I got a text.

I pull out my phone.

Razzy Boy sent an attachment.

I unlock my phone and look at the text.

Razzy Boy: Thought you might want the photo.

And underneath is a photo of River and I on the bench that Raziel took earlier.

I like it.

Me too.

"That's a cute photo." I hear mom state.

"Yeah." I agree unconsciously.

"Do you like him?"

I snap my head up to my mom and meet her knowing eyes.

"Wha-no!" I stutter, shaking my head violently.

Mom rolls her beautiful grey eyes which I inherited. "Of course you do. I don't even know why I asked you."

"No, I don't!" I deny quickly.

"Whatever, cariño." Mom kisses my forehead. "Go take a shower. The whole family including the Hales are coming over for dinner and you stink."


After taking a shower and banging my head against the tiled wall to get the thought of possibly liking River out of my head, I get out and dry myself.

I put on a pair of distressed skinny jeans and folded the ends of so they ended just above my ankles. I chucked Jayden's white Thrasher t-shirt -which I stole-  and tied a knot at the bottom. I also chose a pair of my black and white Nikes.

You need a jumper.

You're right, subconscious.

I looked through the hoodie section in my closet before pulling out my favourite one and slipping it on.

Like my mom, I despise make up. So that's a big no-no.

I look at myself in the full body mirror.

Love it.

I check the time on my phone and see that I still have about forty-five minutes left before everyone gets here so I decide to scroll through my camera roll.

I laugh as I find over a fifty selfies of River and I from when we decided to spam my phone when we were bored one day.

Then I come across the one Raziel took of us.

After a bit of contemplating -and by bit, I mean half an hour's worth- I decide to make the photo black and white and set the it as my new profile picture on Facebook, writing Forest with a heart emoji and a hand emoji in the caption.

Instantly, my notifications start blowing up with likes and comments.



River must be really popular as well.

Of course he is. This is Forest we're talking about.

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