{9} River's Fam

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"I can't believe I agreed to take you to my house just because you gave me the puppy dog face." River groans as we sit in his car while he drives to his house.

"I guess I'm just that cute." I say cheekily making him glance at me from the corner of his eye and chuckle.

"Can't deny that." He agrees, drumming on the steering wheel using his fingers. A few seconds later, he turns into a driveway in front of a huge house, around the same size as mine. "Come on, Devil."

"Stop calling me 'Devil'!" I groan, getting out of the car and following him to the front door.

"Stop calling me Jughead Jones." He shoots back.

"I will...when I find out your middle name." I trail off.

"Not happening." He says, rolling his forest green eyes at me. He unlocks the door and opens it. "I'm home!"


An adorable little girl with matching brown hair and forest green eyes as River  comes running down the stairs and flies into River's awaiting arms.

River picks her up and she wraps her arms around him neck, hugging him tightly. He hugs her back just as tightly.

"Hi, Princess." River greets, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Hi, Rivee." She greets back excitedly, planting a sweet kiss on his nose before River puts her down.

"Awwwhh." I coo, making River glare at me. "Rivee? That's new."

River opens his mouth to say something, but the little girl cuts him off and runs over to me.

"Hi, my name is Ella! What's your name?"

"Hi, Elly, can I call you Elly? I'm going to call you Elly." I say, making her let out a cute giggle. "I'm Angel."

"You're funny and and you have a cool name!" She says, lifting her arms so I could lift her. "And you're really pretty!"

"Well, you're gorgeous." I compliment, lifting her up and kissing her cheek, making her giggle.

"And she's nice." She adds, wrapping her arms around my neck making me smile. She pokes my dimples. "Oooh, she's got dimples. Rivee, is she your queen?"

River shakes his head. "No, El, not yet."

"Yet, huh?" I raise an eyebrow, smirking.

"Shut up, Angel."

"Don't tell me to shut up, you bi-" I cut myself off and stop a swear coming out of my mouth, remembering there's a little girl listening to our conversation. "-butthole."

Ella laughs. "I like her! Rivee, you better marry her. If you don't, I'll drown you in the sink."

I choke on my spit and laugh loudly. "Oh my life! Jughead, did she get her threats from you or did you get your threats from her?!"

"Stop calling me 'Jughead'!" He fumes.

"Stop calling me 'Devil'."


"Then no."

Then a beautiful women with blonde hair and the same green eyes as River comes out of the kitchen.

"Hey, mom." River greets, kissing her on the cheek.

"Hi, Riv." She looks at me. "Is this your girlfriend?! Oh, it's about time you brought home a girl who actually wears clothes! She's so pretty-"

"Mom! She's not my girlfriend!" River groans. "This is Angel Paris. Kayden and Summer-Storm's daughter."

Her eyes brighten and she gives me a hug. "Hi, honey, I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Beth. It's so nice to finally meet you!"

I chuckle at her excitement. "Nice to finally meet you too, Beth."

She pulls away and tugs on my hand. "I just made cookies, would you like some? They're in the kitchen, fresh out of the oven. Come, sweetie."

"Sure, I'll be there in a minute." I tell her, looking at the face palming River.

I turn around and see Beth smirking. "Alright, honey."

He picks up Ella and walks into the kitchen.

I stroll over to River and remove his hands from his face. "Your mom and sister are cute."

"Yeah, well, I got it from my mom and my sister got it from me." He smirks conceitedly.

I scoff. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember saying you were cute."

He rolls his eyes.

"You know, if you keep doing that, your eyes are going to get stuck like that." I tell him.

"What? This?" He rolls his eyes exaggeratedly.

"Yes." I nod. "Then you won't be able to look at my cute face."

"That'd be a shame, wouldn't it?" He chuckles and leans down, grabbing my thighs and throwing me over his shoulder. "Let's go into the kitchen before my mom thinks I killed you."




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Leata xx

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