{25} Handles

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I knock on the door, holding the folded black fabric in my arms.

The door opens and there stands River in all his abs-soloutely delicious glory.

Get it? 'Cause he has amazing abs and I mashed that with the word absolutely and-- I'm gonna shut up.

"Devil, did you seriously show up in your pajamas again?" He questions, letting me in.

"No, I'm wearing your hoodie on top this time." I argue, snuggling into the extremely comfortable hoodie he gave me last night.

"Of course, how could I have not noticed?" He asks sarcastically.

"Because you're stupid." I grin cheekily.

River shakes his head, his messy brown hair falling in his eyes. He runs his hands through his hair and moves it out of the way, leaving me staring. My eyes then drift down to his chest.

Why the hell is this kid so damn sexy?!

"Angel." River waves his hand in front of my face, making me snap out of my trance.

I really want to lick his abs.

Me, too, subconscious. Me, too.

I look up and see River smirking.

"Like what you see?" He questions, his green eyes twinkling.

"I want to lick your abs." I announce straight away, without thinking.

Good one, Angel.

Shut up!

He raises an eyebrow in amazement.

"Never in my life, have I met someone who has absolutely no shame." He starts. "And then you came along."

It's true. I have no shame. Neither does Jayden. I can't even tell you which parent we got that trait from. Probably both.

"Meh." I shrug.

Meh. The perfect answer for anything and everything. What do you want for dinner? Meh. What's your favourite colour? Meh. Does River have amazing abs? Hell yea--uh, I mean, meh.

"Anyway," he changes the subject after a few seconds. "Why are you here? You literally just left like two hours ago."

"Oh!" I snap my fingers, suddenly remember the real reason I walked here at eleven am on a Saturday morning. "This is for you!"

I hand him the black fabric.

He eyes it for a moment. "It's not going to explode, is it?"

I shake my head. "Nope."

He takes its and unfolds it, revealing a hoodie.

"Handles." He reads, looking the the back of the hoodie.

I wasn't lying when I told you guys I had one just like his one.

Only difference is that my sleeves say Angel Paris and the back says Handles. The logo on the front is the same as River's and it's all done in white.

It's my basketball hoodie, but I don't use it much. I usually use my track one for all my school events.

"I'm guessing you're a dribbler?" He assumes, looking at me.

I shake my head. "All-rounder, but I have the best handles on the team. Coach Aaron gave me the nickname when I was about eight."

He nods, taking in the information. "Okay, so why'd you give it to me?"

"Because I wanted to." I say nonchalantly. "Plus, I never really use it."

He looks at the tag before looking back to me with an eyebrow raised. "Sweetheart, should I be worried about the fact that you have a men's large?"

I smile sheepishly. "I like over-sized things."

"Over-sized things, huh?" He smirks cheekily.

"Shut up, puta!" I punch his shoulder lightly. "You know what I mean."

"You're cute." He chuckles. "Now what's the real reason you gave me your hoodie?"

How did he know?

How the hell am I supposed to know how he knew?

I sigh before shrugging.

"Well, I have a hoodie with your name on it and now you have one with my name on it." I tell him. "Bam! Goals."

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