{27} Ouija Board...again

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"Devil, hurry up."

"I can't go with you listening."

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"Cover your ears, idiot!"

I hear River mumbling under his breath as I turn my head and peak at him to see that he's plugged his ears using his fingers.

I turn back around and empty my bladder.

So we found a bush a few metres away from the fence and now River is standing lookout behind me while I crouched between him and the bush with my leggings down.

"Are you done?" He questions in annoyance. I nod my head before realising that he can't see me. "You just nodded your head, didn't you?"


I can practically hear him rolling his eyes as he hands me the roll of toilet paper we always keep in the car just in case.

After doing my business, I washed my hands using hand sanitiser and water.

We walked back over to Jayden, Raziel, Hunter and Ashlynn.

"Okay, I'm done." I announce as we reach them.

"Took you long enough." Hunter grumbles, ruffling his blonde hair.

Raziel slaps him on the back of the head before throwing an arm around my shoulder. "It's alright, Jelly. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do."

"See? This is why I like him better than you!" I shoot at Hunter.

That's a lie.

I know. I love them all the same, but ya know.

"Rude." He puts a hand to his heart.

"I'm kidding." I kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair.

"If you guys are done, we have to find a way in." Jayden interrupts.

"Easy." River starts. "There's always a window or something that's never boarded up. It's like they want us to go in."


A few minutes of walking around and avoiding security, we find a window at the side of the asylum.

"Told you." River smirks smugly.

"Alright, let's go in."

River pulls me back as I put my hands on the dirty, cracked windowsill.

"Yeah, no." He shakes his head, messy brown hair going everywhere. "There's no way in hell in letting you go first, Devil. There could be a hobo waiting in there, ready to beat us with a butter sock."

"But, Forest-"

"Don't 'but, Forest' me." He mimics. "And don't even think about giving me the puppy dog face. That shit doesn't work on me when it comes to your safety."

"Awww!" Ashlynn gushes, making River glare at her before he climbs through the window easily.

"Is there a hobo with a butter sock in there or can we come in?" I question hearing him chuckle.

"You can come in." He calls back. "There's no hobo with a butter sock."

I chuckle lightly before putting my hands on the windowsill and pushing myself up, climbing in. River puts his hands under my arms and lifts me down, making sure I don't stand on any broken glass or something.

I smile at him as the others climb in.

We turn on our flashlight and shine them around the room, looking at all the broken supplies and papers around what appears to be the main office.

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