{32} Stupid Overprotective Cockblock

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I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck, melting into the kiss.

He circles his arms around my waist and pulls me against him.

And suddenly,

"Get off my baby sister!"

Jayden runs into the room and lunges at River, making them both tumble over my bed and onto the floor.

He plucks a pillow from my bed and repeatedly hits River in the face with it.

"Why. Were. You. Sucking. Faces. With. My. SISTER?!" He yells between hits.

River quickly switches their positions, snatching the pillow from Jayden and repeatedly hitting him in the face.

"Why. Are. You. Such. A. COCKBLOCK?!" River also yells between hits.

Jayden pushes him off and they start wrestling with eachother.

"Guys, dinner's rea-"

River and Jayden freeze as the three of us look over at the door where Raziel, Hunter and Ashlynn are staring at the scene in front of them.

-dy." Raziel finishes off his earlier statement.

"What the fuck is going on?" Hunter questions, looking between River, Jayden and I.

"Just had a pillow fight with River because I caught him making out with Angel, but we're fine now, right Riv?" Jayden stands up and pulls River up from the floor.

Of course. It's just like Jayden to freak out over something and be over it two minutes later. But at the same time, River is his best friend, and the last things he wants is to lose him.

"Yeah, we're good." River nods as they fist bump. Same thing with River, he doesn't want to lose his best friend either.

Honestly, I'm kind of glad that Jayden interrupted River and I.

I can't get into another relationship.

Not after last time.


"Tor?" Aunt Kyla pipes up as we all look at Tori who was sitting silently playing with her food as we all sit at the dining table having dinner.

"Huh?" She looks up, the blonde hair she inherited from her mother falling in her face.

"Are you alright, hon?"

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about something." She mumbles, her cheeks turning red as she notices everyone -and I mean everyone- staring at her.

"She's thinking about a boy!" Ashlynn and I announce in unison, a knowing look on our faces.

"WHAT?!" Raziel, Jayden, Hunter, Uncle Cole, dad, Uncle Nate and Uncle Reese chorus, a glare also on their faces as they stand abruptly.

I think Overprotectiveness runs through this family.

The Overprotective Paris/TeNana-Williams family.

"Thanks, guys." Tori thanks sarcastically, glaring at Ash and I.

"Sorry." We smile sheepishly.

"Sit your asses down, you putas." Mom demands, the glare on her face so scary that is makes them instantly sit down with frightened looks on their faces.

The Legendary Summer-Storm Paris, everyone.


"Time for dessert!" Mom shouts happily when everyone finishes their dinner.

She skips into the kitchen.

"Why is she so excited for dessert?" Leo questions in confusion.

Dad, Uncle Nate, Uncle Cole, Uncle Reese, Aunt Kyla, Aunt Hannah and Aunt Cassie all share knowing grins before chorusing in unison.

"Oreo Cheesecake."

As if on cue, mom bounds back into the dining room with a huge Oreo Cheesecake in her hands.

"OREOS!" Mom squeals happily.


"Talk to us, Toro." I coax, shutting my bedroom door and sitting down on my bed next to Ashlynn and Tori, forming a circle.

"Okay, well, there's this really cute guy at my school. He has dirty blonde hair and dreamy brown eyes." Tori starts, sighing. "He's amazing at soccer and he can sing!"

"He can sing?" Ashlynn repeats in amazement.

"Guys who can sing are keepers." I nod thoughtfully. "Unless they're an asshole. He's not an asshole, right?"

Tori shakes her head vigorously. "No! He's literally the sweetest boy on this earth. The other day he offered to carry my books!"

"So?" Ash raises an eyebrow. "Why do you sound so...mad?"

"It's was only one book and it was Dr Seuss!" She exclaims, throwing her hands in the air. "It was so embarrassing!"

"Aww, my poor baby." I bite my lip to stifle my laughter, making her glare at me.

But Ashlynn, being Ashlynn, just can't smother her laughter and bursts out in a fit of giggles.

A few minutes later, she calms down, an apologetic yet amused look on her face.

"What's his name?" Ashlynn questions curiously.

"Ben Stacey." Tori replies.

We all sit in silence for a moment.

"Go for it."

"What?" Tori asks in bewilderment as she and Ashlynn look at me.

"Go for it." I repeat. "Who says the guy has to be the one to ask the girl out?"

"So," she starts slowly. "What you're saying, is that I should ask him out?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." I nod. "Screw those cliché stereotypes you see in stupid ass chick flicks. Girls rule!"

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