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Mia Charlotte's POV:

*three months later*

Laying on the same plain couch and staring at the ceiling felt horribly familiar and boring. The man that was seated not so far away from me was asking the same questions every time.

This was all very familiar to me in these last couple of months. So much that it hurts. I've been trying to pursue my parents to cancel the therapy so many times, but nothing seemed to help.

How was a therapist going to help me with previous demons in my body?

"How are you feeling today, Mia?"

Dr. Raven asked, his pen clicking so he could write my words down.

With a sigh, i responded.

"The same as usual."

He exhaled deeply, probably fed up by me and my flat answers.

He scribbled something in a long paragraph while I still laid there, staring at the sight from the big window.

His sessions were surely pricey, that's why he could afford an office like this.

He suddenly got up, his moves forceful and brisk. Something shuffled i the background as he walked further into his office, along with his loud murmuring. I could hear him almost yelping, as if he found something he was looking for.

When he came back to his previous seat, he was holding an A3 sized notebook.

With a slight grin, he told me to sit up. I did as i was told, still slightly intrigued to why he was holding that notebook in his hands.

Was it for me?

"since you don't want to talk to me, and I want to help you..."

He handed me the notebook, making me look at him with furrowed eyebrows. Confusion was washing over me slowly.

"That is a notebook that you will write your feelings in, if you wish to. It will somewhat help you, considering your state."

He said, being really careful with the last sentence. I was starting to feel irritated, my fingers gripping the notebook tighter.

"So, you gave me a diary?"

"I prefer to name it as a journal."

He corrected, being slightly offended.

Glancing at the big wall clock, I saw that we had two more minutes until the session was over.

So i got up, him getting up along with me. His short and chubby figure made me laugh sometimes.


walking out of his office, i was now looking at the waiting room filled with women and men of all ages. Some crying, some sitting like they were completely numb.

They were probably just lost souls, like me.

With a slight shake of my head, I walked outside. My parents' bright red car was parked right in front, them smiling as soon as they noticed me.

I hated that.

I hated that they pretended that everything was okay. like i was becoming a person I once used to be.

"Hey honey. How was your session?"

mom asked as soon as dad started driving.

"It was okay, nothing special."

I responded, hoping that they would not talk to me during the whole ride. I distanced myself from them, so I don't like being forced to talk to them.

"And what is that notebook?"

she asked again, now eyeing it. I shrugged, throwing it to my lap.

"I bought a sketch book on my way out."

I lied, not wanting for them to know. They are too nosy, they would flip through every single page, just so they could find something.

And I closed my eyes, hoping that I would lock myself in my room all over again.

And I closed my eyes, hoping that I would lock myself in my room all over again

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