e i g h t e e n

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Mia Charlotte's POV:

Waiting for the midnight to come around, i sat on my usual spot on the bed. The wind outside carried brown leaves, indicating that the fall was about to roll around.

My journal was still placed in front of me, the filled pages now holding most of my feelings.

Ink in my pen ran out, so I had no choice but to wait till tomorrow so I could get another one.

My eyes scanned everything there was around me, taking in every small detailing.

But all of that was interrupted as soon as my mother entered the room freely, making me slam shut my journal in alerted state.

"Hi mom."

I mumbled, watching as she looked around my plain room.

"Hey honey. Oh, why is it do dark in here?"

she asked in confusion, reaching for the light switch that was placed right next to my door.

"Its better this way, leave it."

I said, making her retrieve her hand back to the side of her body.

"Um... i wanted to keep you some company, darling. Since you have been so... alone."

She stated unsurely, sitting herself down onto my bed. Over thinking my actions and words once again, I started speaking.

"Tell me the truth on what happened to me?"

i finally spoke, my voice surprisingly being firm and somewhat confident. On the other hand, she swelled down and looked down at the floor.

I wanted to see what would she tell me.

"We already told you, you got hallucinations and now... you're going to the therapist."

She spoke as if it was true, almost making me snort at the nonsense.

"Those weren't hallucinations."

"Mia don't start this all over again! You have no idea how much me and your father were worried about you, you were not waking up from coma for four days!"

she shouted, a small information slipping out of her mouth which she seemed not to notice.

"I know damn well what happened to me! you are lying to me, once again."

I gained more strength than I thought I could ever, making me rise up on my feet. Lights were not flicking on, which meant my father was here too.

Both of their eyes were widened, staring at me intensely.

"Mia, go to bed please. We will talk about this tomorrow."

My father spoke, making my mother elbow him lightly and then cross her arms all over again.

"Talk about what, dad? Talk about the fact that you two kept me in hostage for three fucking months? That I was not even able to go to school? That you fucking lied to me?"

I snapped, rage wilding deep inside of me. I felt like a... demon.

I was about to go on, but felt a sharp pain on both of my cheeks that stopped me. My eyed twitched, tears of pain coming in.

I was never abused. And now It happened, because of someone that was not in my life anymore.

"Collect yourself, Mia! Go to sleep, think about what you did."

My mom spoke all over again, not even a pang of regret in her voice. With that, both of my parents were out the door. Which I was thankful of.

Laying back down on the bed, i felt my cheek stinging horribly. Forcing my eyes to close, I let tiredness swell over me.

Laying down felt unnatural at this point, so I wanted to turn to my right side. But, once again, my body was not moving. It was still sprawled on the sheets, the comforter removed from my half naked body.

Is this sleep paralysis again?

Opening my eyes was not working either, so I just stayed laying down.

Shuffling was heard right in front of me, making panic rise inside of me. Someone's heavy footsteps were heard, sounding like the person was circulating around me.

Suddenly, the bed dipped.

Someone's masculine smell surrounded me, making me realize it was a male person.

"I'm back, baby."

I have a new book in the making! It is very kinky, so it'll be exciting

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