Chapter 2: "Those aren't rules, they're guidelines"

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"So how many girls does that make, Jace?" Will asked, trying to pull up a chair next to Nate. Although, Nate had a habit of taking up more room then he needed and didn't even notice that Will was trying to sit next to him. Finally, after a few moments of Will trying to be poliet, he gave up and hit Nate in the arm.

"Hey!" Nate called out in shock as he rubbed his arm.

"Move your lazy ass and make room." Will said as he forced his chair next to Nate's when Nate moved to take up two chairs instead of three.

These two were like brothers to me, they have been with me since middle school. I wouldn't trade them for the world, but sometimes they acted like children. Not that I didn't, but it was kind of annying after a while to just see them act like they were five. These two had supported me in everyting I did, unless it was me trying to fly, to which they made me stop before I broke something. They had even been with me since I was in the double digits of dating girls. What can I say, I started young.

"Two hundred and two or maybe it's two hundred and three... I'm not so sure." I said as I thought back on the girls I've been with.

"Wait what?! I'm clearly missing a lot of girls. Have you not been sharing with me or something?" Nate asked as he lightly picked up the pebbles in the bowl and dropped them back down in little clinks. The small movements meant that the kid was either bored or hungry, possibly both knowing him. He had the attention of a goldfish, unless it came to girls then he was as focused as a cheetha chasing its prey.

"He gets most of them as freshmen at the start of the school year. That's at least one hundred girls per freshmen class." Will said with a knowing smile and an eye brow waggle.

"I meant the girls in our class." Nate said rather loudly for such an early morning. It made my head buzz,   since I had just woken up because these two couldn't keep quiet while they were awake.

"Those too. Plus you know he would tell you about all the girls he's been with because he knows I don't want to hear it." Will said as he moved to make more dinner for us. At least, that's what I hope he's doing because if Nate didn't stop playing with those pebbles I was going to hit him in the face.

"Wait how many girls have you dated?" Nate asked, not even noticing Will's movements.

"Let me teach you a lesson, Nate. You never count, because then you start aiming for a higher and higher number. The only number that matters is how many girls you've fallen in love with, and that number, if you've done it right, should be zero!" I said with a smile. Nate glared at me through his curly hair, obviously not pleased with my advice.

"But for you it's -- " I cut him off before he could even think about finishing that sentence. Will smiled, he knew what Nate had been about to say. Will loved to use it against me, as a joke, but also to win arguements with me when we debated over how I treated girls. He didn't like it, but it wasn't his life and as he said 'he can't control my life'.

"It's fine, I've almost got to date every girl in our class and have a low number for those I've fallen in love with.

"Yeah he's dated almost every girl in our class, except Sara." Will said with a laugh.

"I've told you before a bad boy shouldn't date a 'bad' girl. It wouldn't work out." I almost yelled. Will knew that I hated that girl, she was the epitome of bitchy girls. I had a million excuses for not dating every girl in our class and that girl and her friend, Taylor, were two of them. 

I moved the fruit bowl in front of Nate so he would stop clinking the pebbles, he should have eaten more mac n cheese if he was that hungry. Will had made enough and he made microwave hot dogs so that we could have a mini barbecue without the grill.

Lessons in LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora