Chapter 18: "It's not a part of the five year plan to have a baby with you."

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I watched as Will tied the bow tie on Nate's shirt and then turned to fix mine. We had spent almost half an hour trying to get these bow ties right while Sara's dad, Nick, just laughed at us. Will was laughing too, but he wasn't there when we first started trying. It was a sad thing to watch, Nate and I were completely hopeless when it came to tying bow ties.

"There, now just don't touch them." Will said with a smile.

"Good job, Will. I think the girls should be ready by now so why don't you go get my daughter and bring her over before the wedding starts. Then you two can go sit down and wait for the wedding to start." Nick said holding his hand out for Will to shake.

"I will go get her now sir." Will said as he turned on a heel and opened it for us to head out and meet our lovely dates.

"You're so lucky Sara's dad likes you!" Nate said as soon as the door was shut. 

"I know. I'm glad he does, I was really nervous about meeting him." Will said honestly as he led the way to the girl's room.

"I guess you don't have to be now. He likes you, you're totally in. Just don't get Sara pregnant." Nate said with a serious face to let Will know he wasn't joking.

"I'm not planning on it any time soon. That's not a part of the five year plan." He said as the door swung open to reveal a grinning Sara in her rose dress with gold embelishments. Her hair was in an updo with loose curls hanging from her face.

"What's not a part of the five year?" She asked as she looked at Will with a growing smile. She must liked seeing him all dressed up in a tuxedo for the wedding.

"It's not a part of the five year plan to have a baby with you." I said quickly before Will could even come up with a lie.

"Dude, really?" Will said as Sara threw him a look that i didn't understand.

"It's okay. I'm too pretty for him, I get it. Our babies would be just too pretty for anyone to see because of my genes."

"Well I meant it more as--"

"Sara, your dad wants me to take you to him." Will said, interrupting me as that I would stop making his relationship difficult. I could only imagine having to deal with Sara when she was angry. That wouldn't be something I would want to deal with at any point.

"He wants you to take me?" Sara asked as Will nodded his head to answer. "Okay, Ali, Taylor, your boys are here we'll meet you down stairs." Sara called back as she took Will's arm and he led her back to her father. I could see the smiles on their faces as they walked in sync and talked between themselves. I don't think I have ever seen a couple that happy. Taylor was right, they are my favorite couple.

I glanced back in time to see Ali and Taylor emerge from the bed room of the hotel suite. Taylor wore a light grey dress with silver embellishments that clung to her curves. Her hair was down and curled at the tips to frame her heart shaped face. While Ali wore a light blue dress that flowed out around her hips to give to the playfulness of a new puppy. Her hair was up in a bun with soft curls drifting down around her face. 

"Wow." Was all I managed to get out when my gaze fell on Ali in her beautiful dress.

"Yeah we look pretty good don't we?" Taylor said proudly as she took Nate's hand and started to leave the room.

I took Ali's hand and walked out right behind Taylor and Nate. I wanted to talk to Ali, but I was just stunned by how beautiful she looked. I couldn't believe that I hadn't seen it before. I mean she was absolutely stunning. She was better than every girl I had ever been with and I wasn't even seeing her naked. I shook my head quickly as I led Ali outside; I had to stop thinking like that. She was a number, all the girls were and soon I'd be done. 

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