Chapter 10: "You're a slut, you think you can intimadate me?"

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Nate and I had been taken to the principals office by the security guards, who were blocking the door so we couldn't leave. Nate was so nervous that his leg was bouncing and he was clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Both of those were a nervous tick, but I had never seen him do both at the same time before. 

We waited for twenty minutes while Principal Decker was in a conference with another student. I was so bored that I could have fallen asleep if it wasn't for Nate's clicking. He had never been to the principal's office before, and especially not because he was in trouble. It was true that Nate liked the ladies, maybe a little too much, but he wasn't a troublemaker.

"Thanks Principal Decker." I head Elizabeth's squeaky voice say as the office door opened.

I groaned loudly and banged my head on the wall behind me. I should have known it was her that had me sent here. Decker said if I was ever in his office again that I'd be punished worst than before, now I can only hope it was just a threat. Otherwise Nate and I were screwed and it as because of my past actions.

"I know you lied. I'll be sure to find Sara and tell her Will is mine." Elizabeth whispered as she passed by us.

Nate reacted before I did as he ubruptly stood up and blocked her path. "You can't threaten my sister! I don't care if you're joking or not. You can't threaten her because I take care of her." 

"Sister? She has a different last name. You're not related." Elizabeth spat as she tried to move past him.

"She's my step sister, I can't help it if I don't want to take her last name!"

"Well, I didn't say anything that meant harm to your sister."

"I take it as a threat and I don't like you threatening my sister" Nate said, standing his ground as the security guards stirred behind him.

"Can't you hear? I didn't threaten her." Elizabeth said loudly and slowly as if Nate was stupid and couldn't understand what she was saying. I wish I couldn't understnad what she was saying, maybe I would actually tolerate being around her then.

"It sure sounded like one to me!" Nate said getting in Elizabeth's face.

"I don't care what it sounded like to you! I didn't threaten her!" 

"What do you think Jace? Did she threaten Sara?" Nate asked, dragging me into this converstation for some reason.

"Yeah, I believe she did. That's how I would take it if she said it to me." I said loud enough so the security guards could hear.

"Who is being threatened?" Principal Decker asked stepping out of his office.

"She just threatened my sister Sara!" Nate accused. He actually looked distraught at the thought of Elizabeth goig to tell Sara off. Maybe he didn't think Sara could handle it yet, and from what I had seen I didn't think she could either. She was fragile and every little thing seemed to either anger her or upset her, it was like she didn't have any other emotions.

"Miss Thomas, please come back in my office." Decker said as he motioned for her to follow him back into the office. "You two, the cafeteria needs you in case there is another food fight. I expect you two not to move while they are gone."

"No problem sir." I said easily as I watched the security officers file out of the room. I felt pride swell in me as I watched Elizabeth hang her head in shame as she was escorted into the principal's office again. "Now tell me why we just did that."

"Because I can't have Elizabeth hurting Sara." Nate said as he texted someone on his phone.

"Who are you texting?"

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