Chapter 13: "Is she invisible?"

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"Hey mom!" I called as I walked through the door of my home. It had been so long since I had been home. I had avoided it for a solid two weeks after a fight with my dad and I didn't want to be back here now. I had only come back because Nate was having Sara's family over and his mom needed me gone for tonight. I could go back tomorrow, if I was alive that is.

My father was angry at me for my behavior and grade reports at school. He thinks I need to straighten up and map out my life so that I had a plan for everything. They wanted me to stop acting like a kid and prepare for what life was actually going to be like. According to them I couldn't skate through life as easily as I have been doing, even though my dad did the same thing.

"Hi Sweetheart!" My mom called as I walked into the kitchen. "How was Nate's house?"

"It's wedding central." I scoffed as I pulled a granola bar out of the box and prepared to take a huge bite. "I can't hear anything other than something about a wedding." 

"You should hace come home then. Your father has already forgiven you for your outburst and is ready to talk to you again." 

"His talking to me means yelling. Plus, he was only upset because I pointed out that he did and still does the same thing I am doing now!" 

"Jace Carter Collins! Don't speak about your father like that!" 

"He does! He still uses his charm to win over women. Mom, I can't believe you won't see it!" I yelled back.

"Your father has never cheated on me. He is only telling you to straighten up because we want you to be happy!"

"I am happy!"

"How can you be happy? Your friends will be going to college soon and you'll split up, then you'll be alone." My father interrupted.

"They won't just leave me!"

"What happened tonight? I know you didn't want to come home, so why did you?"

"Because Nate's mom was having the new part of he family over." I said realizing where he was going with this and it was a low blow.

"So it's already starting."

"I was invited back for tomorrow night!" 

"Out of pity! You're friends are going to drop you and you're trying to over look it because your childish. You refuse to see the truth."

"Just like mom won't see the truth that you're still the same guy you were in high school!" I said. I knew my father had been worse than I was. He was a player, cheated on every girlfriend he ever had and he had somehow convince mom he changed, but he didn't and I knew it.

I had seen him with other women when I used to stop by him office after school. One time I caught him trying to get into an interns skirt. Of course, once I saw that he barred me from ever going back to his office. He didn't want me to catch him if he finally got any action. Even if he didn't, the intent was there and that wasn't a good example to live with.

"Oh shut up! You're just jealous that girls actually want me! None want to be around you, but I have them at work!" My father screamed, not realizing that my mother had walked back into the room and finally knew that I wasn't lying.

"Howard!" My mother yelled astonished that he was talking to me like this. He did it to her too, but she took it. I refused to be his punching bag anymore and I was going ot stand up for myself whether I got hit or not.

"Shut up, Marie! I'm talking to our useless son that doesn't understand that everyone is going to let him down one day.

"Just like you did to mom, just now, and me when I saw you trying to get laid at work all those years ago!" 

"This is about you. You're not seeing the big picture, you're blinded my lies." My father yelled, trying to take control over our conversation again.

"That's because you're making up fabrications to fit your needs!"

"What about Will? I saw him with alovely young lady at the movie theather yesterday." My mom said vaguely while she tried to change the topic.

"What about him?" I asked in an growl.

"I could see you and Nate weren't invited." My father said, clearly not ready to give up the fight.

"He was on a date! I don't want to see them make out during a movie!" 

"Where's your girlfriend?" 

"I have one!" I said before I could think.

"Oh yeah, I bet. Is she invisible or do you just not bring her around here?" My father asked pushing my buttons.

"You should invite her over for dinner." My mom said, once again trying to move the topic onto something more pleasent.

"I wouldn't want her to meet my cheating, abusive father." I stated curtly as I started to walk away. I needed to get out of this house before an actual fight started. I hadn't won one since I was little and I wasn't going to win one anytime soon.

"Don't walk away from me!" My father called as his heels slammed against the hardwood floors.

"Too late, kind of already walking away." I said as my hand gripped the door knob. I was going to walk out when my father spoke again.

"Not my fault you were always a failure." 

I snapped, I felt my hand ball into a fist and spun around. I flet my arm spring forward; I hadn't even realized I pulled it back until I made contact with my father's face. My father shook his head after the impact and nailed me in the face. That's when it all went to hell. 

We started throwing wild punches at each other, but we barely landed any. Although, anything that he landed on me hurt. I crippled in pain when he landed a hit directly in my stomach and then landed a kick in my shin. I crashed to the ground, but dad continued to hit until he was sure I was down for the count. I took the punches and just waited until he was done.

"I expect to see changes and to see this pretty girlfriend of yours at dinner soon."

God, I'm so screwed. I thought as I rolled over in pain.

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