Chapter 20: "I don't want to get in trouble."

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It had been weeks since the wedding and some of my grades had come back. They were better than before thanks to my friends taking the time to tutor me. Although, Sara had given up on me even though she was the one person who I had made good friends with in years. Ali still came, but that was because Ms. Mac was offering her extra credit for tutoring me. 

Even when Ali did let me talk, if it wasn't directly related to the work we were doing she wouldn't answer me. She was made because I hurt her sister, her sister hated me because I used her and Sara was just pissed beyond all reason. I needed to fix this, but I wasn't even sure where to start exactly. I knew that I had growing feelings for Ali, but she seemed to avoid all my maneuvers that typically worked on girls.

Maybe Sara and Taylor were right, I had to treat Ali differently to get a reaction out of her. With or without their help I would get Ali to go on an actual date with me, I just had to find out what was romantic to do. I knew flowers and chocolate were the typical thing, but I'm not a 'typical' person, I think out side the box and get results.

I couldn't do a song because Nate did that, and I couldn't spontaneously ask her out because Will had done that. I needed something new and something unheard of for someone you want to ask out. I needed to do research because Sara wasn't up for helping me anymore and I couldn't find Taylor without Nate. Although, I'm sure after Sara's reaction she would be less than pleased to see me as well, but I had to try right?

I walked up to Taylor before Film class, pulling her out of a conversation with her friends Avery and Catherine. They all looked rather annoyed to be pulled apart, but I couldn’t ask Taylor in front of all of her friends.

“What do you want, Jace?” Taylor almost whined.

“I need your help with Ali.”

“I would love to, but—“

“No buts. Please, just help me and I’ll get out of your hair.”

“What do you want?” Taylor asked with a drawn out sigh.

“Just tell me the basics of romance and I’ll figure the rest out on my own.” I said as Taylor pulled her eye brows together in confusion.

“Why do you want to know that?”

“I want to ask Ali on another date.”

“Really?” She asked skeptically as she waved her hand over all the girls in the room, all of which I had been with one way or another.

“Yes, just tell me what to do.”

“I can’t help you. Romance is something you feel; you just have to do what feels right. Since you’re a show-off, maybe you should find something that plays to your strengths. That’s about as much advice I can give you, otherwise Sara will have my throat.”

“She scares you? She won’t touch you and you know it.”

Taylor laughed at my question, she laughed so hard that she had tears in her eyes and she was clutching her side. “Scared of Sara, no, scared of her anger, yes. Look just do what feels right and I’m sure Ali will be okay with it.” She said waving her hand dismissively as she went back to her seat.

Do what feels right I can totally do that. I just hope it works out like Taylor makes it seem to because I have the feeling Ali won’t like my idea of romance. It was simple, and not over done. Too bad I had a feeling that’s what se wanted, but I didn’t have the time or the patients to make that work. I had one shot before I had to tell my mom the truth about my ‘girlfriend’.

I just hoped Ali said yes, because there was no chance of getting Sara and Taylor to cooperate. I didn’t want to ask some other girl that I had already been with before because that would give them the wrong idea and I didn’t want some new girl to go otherwise they’d get the wrong idea too. I just wanted Ali to say yes so that I could spend some more time with her.

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