Chapter 4: "You mean besides in bed?"

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"Why the hell did you just do that?" Will growled at me fas soon as we were in the building. He wasn't pleased with me for pulling him away from Sara. It was probably the closest he got to her in teh three months he's been trying to get her to see that he cared for her.

"Because I had to get out of there before Ali turned me down for help."

"So you had to pull me away, why?"

"Yeah, Jace. He was doing pretty well. He even got her to open up, be touched and laugh! God, I'm amazed she didn't explode!" Nate yelled the last part so loud people stopped in the hallway to stare at us.

"You'll get another chance Will. Just text her ask to come hang out and you can be as close to her as you please!" I said, trying to calm him down. He was really angry with me, but I needed to get out before Ali could turn me down. I guess I didn't need to pull him away, but he's my friend and I wanted to help him out as much as possible. I just didn't think about the consequences of pulling him away from the girl he liked.

"And what if she doesn't want to?" Will asked seriously looking back for Sara.

"Did you see her? She didn't move and even Nate noticed that it was an improvement from her normal demeanor. She likes you."

"I swear if you're wrong and she closes up on me again--" Will never got to finish his threat because Sara called out to him.

"Hey Will!" I turned to see Sara coming with Emily in tow. Both had big smiles on their faces, but Emily's told me that something was going on and that a plan was already in motion. "You're going to Math right?" There was a blush visable on Sara's cheeks. Emily stood there with a mischievious grin on her face watching the whole exchange.

"Yeah I am. How did you know?" Will asked confused. I didn't even know his schedule and I was one of his best friends, how did she know?

"Emily is in your class. Would you like us to walk to class with you?" Sara asked, sounding genuinely excited.

"Sure, I'd love that little one." He smiled gesturing the height difference between him and Sara. She was about nine inches shorter than him. She came up to his chest and she had to look up to talk to him if she stood too close, which she was doing now without realizing it.

Will extended his elbow for her to take so that he could walk with her to class. He was going to pull out all the stops in hope of wooing this girl. I'm amazed he hasn't started talking with a country accent and talking about all the romantic things he would do for her if she was his girlfriend. Will had a way with words that would win Sara over if she let it.

Although, when they were about to leave Emily stopped them. "Oh no Sara! I forgot my math binder. I have to go back and get it so my project isn't late! I'm so sorry, just go without me. I can catch up!" Emily cried as she ran off, rather quickly toward her locker. Sara stood there dumbfounded, lost like a little puppy in a new homem completely unsure of what to do.

"I will walk you to class, Sara. If you don't mind I mean." Will said offering his elbow for Sara to take and walk her to class.

"I don't have math. I have science, it's kinda out of your way...." Sara said awkwardly pointing down the hallway.

"I don't mind. I bet I can still make it to class on time too." Will said with a soft smile. I would bet money that he didn't notice the smile that flashed across Sara's face when he said 'bet'. He just pushed her competitive button and this could get interesting.

"I bet I could beat you to class!" She challenged with a smile.

"It wouldn't take much since your class is right down the hall and I have to go upstairs to the other side of the school!" Sara laughed took Will's arm with a smile as he walked her to class.

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