Chapter 24: "The beds better not smell like sex either!"

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I woke up from the best night sleep I had ever had with Ali curled up at my side, unconscientiously burying her face into my shirt. I smiled to myself as I relaxed back into bed and wrapped my arm around her. I felt a happiness wash over me that I had never imagined I would feel. I had never woken up with a girl that I actually wanted to stay with, especially that girl from the wedding. God, I was already breaking my own rules!

I felt Ali move in my arms, until she settled in a different position and laid her arm across my torso and hugged me tight to her. I laughed lightly as she squeezed me tightly to her for a few seconds then she shot up and looked at me terrified. Her eyes had grown twice their normal size and her breathing was heavy.

“Are you okay?” I asked, struck by her sudden movement.

“What are you doing here!?”

“You asked me to stay with you!”

“No I didn’t, I wouldn’t do that!”

“Ali, don’t you remember? I carried you inside and set you down, I even tucked you into bed. I was about to leave when you asked me to stay.”

“I know. Gotcha!” She said with a smile as she hopped out of bed, still wearing the clothes she had worn last night.

“That’s so mean!” I said getting out of bed and grabbing hold of her around the waist.

She laughed as I picked her up and carried her out of the room. Ali just laughed while I plopped her down on the sofa and started to tickle her. She begged me to stop, but I wasn’t going to forget her little trick that easily.

“I’m sorry, Jace! I’m sorry!” She said through her laughter.

“That wasn’t nice, Ali. This is your punishment for being such a bad girl.” I said as Sara and Nate ran down the stairs to see what was going on.

“There was so much screaming I thought someone was dying down here.” Sara said slipping into her southern draw.

“Come on, we have breakfast ready.” Nate said following Sara up the stairs.

“You ready to eat, little one?” I asked as I helped Ali off the couch.

“Of course! I can smell the chocolate ship pancakes already!” She said excitedly as she ran up the stairs before me.


“We are going out.” Taylor said as she walked by in a tight black dress and a jean jacket.

I watched as Sara and Ali walked out in black dresses of their own. They all had different style dresses, but all of them showed off what guys wanted to see with a dress. I raked my eyes over Ali in her strapless dress. It flared out around her hips and clung to her torso, there was a peacock feather traveling along the dress. My eyes stopped on the smile that was creased on her lips.

I saw Will get up on instinct so he could kiss Sara, “Where we going?” He asked with a smile as he looked her over. Is that what I looked like when I looked over Ali?

We aren’t going anywhere. The girls and I are going out so that you guys can have some guy time.”

“But I want to go wherever you’re going.” Will said looking her over in the dress again.

“You can’t come, Will.” Ali said hitting his hands away from Sara. Will puffed out his lip and made a pouting face, which made Sara laugh and kiss him.

“We have to go.” Taylor said waving her phone in the air as she tried to walk away, even though Nate was holding her waist and doing his best to keep her close to him.

“Have fun tonight boys. Just don’t bring sluts to my families house or I’m kicking them out when I get back! The beds better not smell like sex either ot ya'll will be doing the wash!” Sara threatened as they walked down the stairs and their heels clicked onto the hardwood floor below.

“You don’t give us any credit!” Will called down as the door slammed shut.

“So what do you guys want to do?” Nate asked.

“I say we wait two minutes than follow them in your dad’s car.” I said looking between the two as we all got up and went to follow the girls to wherever they were going.

We followed behind the girls as close as we could without being seen. They led the way to a club about half an hour away from the house. We parked a few spaces away from them and waited for them to enter, that way they couldn’t turn around and bail just because we had showed up.

Once we felt a fair amount of time had past, we followed them in and got caught up in the scene. The colored lights shined on all the decorations causing them to bounce around the room and create a mixture of the colors. On the opposite side was a DJ with multiple computers and big speakers to fill the room with music to get everyone moving in the center of the room where everyone was dancing. There was a walkway that leads upstairs, allowing you to look down on everyone who was dancing.

We took a quick look around, turning down drinks and drugs while we found a place to sit and scope out the girls. The girls that attracted attention were mostly were a red colored shirt or a pair heels. It was a weakness for guys, red gets you noticed and the heels connect with a part of our brain to associate both of them with sex. I couldn't explain why but it's how my father always described it.

I noticed one girl with short brown hair in tight black dress with cork heels that instantly held all my attention. I tapped Will’s shoulder and he nodded lightly understanding what I meant. I got up and fixed my hair before approaching her and got stares from other girls around that had taken notice to me. I walked up and tapped her shoulder, putting on my best smile before she turned around.

"Hey, will you give me everything tonight?" I said flashing her a seductive smile as she turned around to face me. Her green eyes sparkled slightly as the lights traveled around the room, she giggled about to speak until she was interrupted by a familiar voice behind me.

"Careful Ali, you don't know where that's been." Taylor said coming from behind me with a playful smile. “I thought we told you boys to stay away tonight and have some fun on your own.

“You did, but I couldn’t stay away from my girl for another moment.” I said as I pulled her on to the dance floor and promised myself that she would be mine forever, if she would just say yes to this one question.

“Would you be my girlfriend?” I asked nervously.

"I don't know..." She stuttered as the song came to an end.

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