Chapter 23: "Whoa, hold up you jealous tramp."

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 “You don’t sound too happy to see me sweetheart. Did you miss me?” Cassandra asked draping her arm around my shoulders in an attempt to weave me under her spell again. I picked up her hand and pushed her arm away from me.

"Hey bitch, how's it going?" Sara asked in a fake excited voice, shocking everyone as she let venom drip from her words. I could see Cassandra freeze next to me, as she looked at Sara stunned.

“Don’t like that I’m interrupting your date?” Cassandra sneered as she twirled her finger through her long blonde hair.

“No, but I also don’t like girls that think they are all that and a bag of chips. Oh wait, chip bags are mostly filled with air anyway, so I guess that is you.” Sara said as Will came up behind her and put his hand protectively on her shoulders. Although, Sara didn’t stand down right away and neither did Taylor.

“Well, hello boys.” Cassandra said in a flirty tone as she walked over to touch Nate and Will. Both, Sara and Taylor, got up from their chairs and stood between Cassandra and their boyfriends.

“You can back off.” Taylor growled as she took Cassandra's hand off Nate’s shoulder.

“He’s mine.” Sara said pointing to Will.

“It’s a pity, I would have loved to get to know you two boys.” Cassandra said continuing her flirty tone.

“Sorry, I’m a one woman man.” Will said taking his seat and pulling Sara into his lap.

“I’ve liked Taylor for almost five years. I’m not giving her up to see what some slut can do for me in one night.” Nate said rudely as he pulled out the chair for Taylor and then sat next to her.

“Fine, I know Jace still isn’t over me. Plus I’m sure he hasn’t hit his number yet. By the way what number are you?” She asked Ali with a victorious gleam in her eyes.

“I’m number one, you must be number two because you clearly come after me in his mind. Although, I think he still prefers them over you as well so that makes you four, at the very least.” Ali said smartly.

“I meant what number girl are you so he could prove me wrong that some girl would actually want to be with him? He has to be in the two hundred’s by now, right boys.” She directed at Nate and Will, who just lifted one of their eyebrows as if uncaring of the news. “What’s that make you?” She asked Ali again.

I saw Ali’s hands ball into tight fists as she smiled lightly at Cassandra. The knuckles on Ali’s hands were turning white from the force of her hold. It was as if she wanted to rip out every strand of Cassandra’s hair by hand.  I slipped my hand over hers as I turned back to deal with Cassandra.

“Cassandra, what do you want?” I asked with a growl. She was interrupting one of the best nights of my life and was getting everyone at the table worked up.

“I just wanted to see if you were finally worthy enough to have me.” She said as she ran her fingers up and down my arm. I picked up her hand and threw it away from me in disgust. I think Sara’s attitude was staring to affect me, I wasn’t normally this rude.

I glanced around to see Sara and Taylor trying to cover up their laughter by hiding their face in their boyfriend’s shirts. Nate and Will had their faces buried in their girlfriend’s hair, but I could hear their laughter and I know Cassandra could too.

I heard Ali start chuckling at the look on Cassandra’s face. This clearly wasn’t how she saw our reunion being. I saw Ali’s lips twitch as she tried to control her laughter and Cassandra’s face getting a red coloring, as she grew more embarrassed.

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