Chapter 7: "He forgot that I am an excellent pick pocket."

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"Taylor likes me?" Nate asked continuing the conversation as I finally got back from Getting lunch. Sara hadn't bought it for me, only her and Nate. Sara was still steaming that I followed her and then proceeded to try to get into her house. Just goes to show you that if you assume and you're wrong, people are going to hate you for it. 

I couldn't blame her, but she really needed to chill out. She was the one keeping secrets from her best friends and making sure Nate didn't tell his best friends. I knew I shouldn't follow them, but I wanted to know and now they admitted that they were siblings. Although, I was still confused on that and I was about to ask about it when I caught a glimpse of Sara's face.

Her pupils had grown significantly and she was stuffing her face with food so she wouldn't have to talk. She stopped breathing slightly, her eyes flashed from side to side as she had the mental debate on whether to tell the truth or not. She knew she had mis-spoken and was attempting to find a way out of it by keeping her mouth full of a chicken sandwich from Wawa. When she didn't want to eat anymore she started to suck on the straw of the smoothie so she didn't have to talk.

"Yeah, I mean what's not to like you're a great person that just protected one of her favorite friends." Sara said after a few minutes of silence and clearing her throat. Her sassy deminor shining back through her, now that the anger was gone.

"She likes me?" Nate asked again, not going to let Sara out of this one so easily.

"I like you too, if that means anything." There she goes getting defensive, that's her favorite one to use. She thinks that no one will get close to her if she's mean. Nine out of ten times she's right, but she forgets that Will is very persistent. He liked her and Nate and I both knew that she had feelings for him, even if she can't admit it to herself.

"You like Will more and he likes you too." Nate said smartly, he knew he was winning and he wasn't going to give up now.

I saw Sara snap her head up. "Really?"

"Yes, really. Are you blind?" I practically yelled, causing people to look at us at the suddeness of my voice.

"But there's nothing really special about me...." Sara whispered awkwardly as people stared at us. It looked as if she wanted to shrink and just disappear at that moment.

"All I can tell you is that one minute he like this girl for almost four years and then next minute he's with you." I said honestly, remembering just how fast Will went to her side when she was crying. He had competely forgotten about the girl he chased for almost four years and took care of a fragile one that didn't see the love in his eyes for her. The love that I could never show, because then I would never be the same again.

Sara's face fell slightly, "So I'm the rebound girl, that's just great. So when the girl he likes actually shows an interest in him he'll dump me like the last one did. No thanks, you can tell Will I'm not interested in that." Sara sneered as she pushed her cahir away from the table, ready to get up and leave.

"Come on, not all guys are like that Sara..." Nate said pulling her back into her seat. "He chose you over that girl, even if she did show an interest, why would he care if he had you?" Nate said softly as he wrapped one arm around her and gave her a hug.

"You give awkward hugs." Sara said with a gimace on her face.

Nate and I started laughing at the look on Sara's face. She was honest when she said Nate gave those awkward one armed hugs, but her face was priceless. She scrunched her eyebrows together and pressed her lips together in a tight line. She wasn't pleased with his hug and wanted to be let go as fast as possible.

"I was trying to help!" Nate said as he released her and she balled up the wrappings from her lunch and stuffed it in the bag from Wawa.

"Thanks... Do you think he'll ask me out?" She asked suddenly giddy at the thought of Will wanting to date her. It was refreshing to see her so excited to date Will, I really didn't like the last girl and while Sara was a bit touchy, she had a reason to be. Which reminded me of just how fragile she was and why she was so mean to everyone. I flinched at the insult I had inflicted on her by following her, that probably hurt her worse thatn anything.

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