Chapter 6: "I'm not a womanizer."

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I'm excited to start this book again! I edited the previous chapters and changed chapter five so you guys had to wait to find out about Nate and Sara's secret relationship. Shhh!

This is the song that inspired it all! So if you're curious about where I got the idea from check it out! 

Don't forget to comment/vote so I know if you guys like this! I love comments! If you read Amber Alert you know that by now lol.


"Are you coming, Nate?" Sara asked after school on Friday.

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Late as usual I'm sure." Sara scoffed as she started her walk home.

That conversation and the one in the hallway was had me hatch a plan to find out what was going on. I was following behind Nate, I wanted to see what he and Sara were up to. So I had staked out his house early this morning, well more like around noon since I knew he didn't get up before then, and waited for him to leave. 

The conversation I heard kept replaying over and over again in my head. They had a secret relationship and they were only now considering telling us. How long had they been together? They never acted like they cared about each other and I didn't consider either of them great actors. How would they have been able to keep it for their friends? We surrounded them almost all the time, except for some weekends this year.

About an hour after waiting around for Nate to do something, he finally left the house. He looked annoyed, rather than excited to leave the house and meet with his secret girlfriend. Nate rolled out of the driveway as fast as his car would move and took off. I had to speed to keep up with me, while avoiding cops and running through red lights.  It was like he didn't want to be followed, which only made this more fun. 

Nate eventually pulled into the long drive way of a two story brick house. I parked at the neighbors house and pulled to the curb as I watch Nate approach Sara's small figure while she was planting flowers in the garden. I didn't even know that girl liked flowers, in fact I heard her say she hates them because they die. She was a strange chick, perfect for Will. I got out of the car while they were both distracted and ran behind the line of bushes so that I could listen to them. 

"Hey, what do you want to do today?" I hear Sara ask as she tried to move a large bag of dirt, but couldn't do it.

"I thought you were getting stronger with personal fitness, not weaker." Nate joked as he picked up the bag and spread the dirt out for Sara.

"I am stronger, I also look better than you because of it." She sent him a saucy wink and blew a kiss in his direction which Nate caught and jokingly put in his pocket.

"That's not nice! I can't help that I eat a lot!" Nate said as he wrapped his hands around his stomach as if he was fat. They boy ate all the time, I can barely remember a time where he wasn't eating, so he should be fat, but somehow he stayed skinny and kept eating. It was actually amazing and annoying at the same time, it was a trait most girls would love to have.

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Are you ready to go?" Sara asked clapping the dirt off her hands and smiling widely at Nate.

"But you just asked me what I wanted to do." Nate said confused by her question.

"Yeah, but I know you. I have a pretty good idea of where you want to go, but first we have to run errands." 

"Ugh! Sara, don't make me!" Nate groaned in protest.

"It's either that or we don't go to Wawa." Sara said as she shifted her weight onto one foot and crossed her arms. She knew that she had won the second Nate said he was fat. What do you do to please a fat kid? Give them a chocolate cupcake, and Wawa was Nate's chocolate cupcake.

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