Chapter 5: "I don't want to think about my parents doing it"

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I sat in my Free block of the day bored out of my mind. I was stuck in my creative writing class trying to study for a test I had coming in week. I'm glad I have it and all, but when I don't have work to actually do, it's really boring. It's great being able to slack of at some point in the day and just relax, it's a nice break. Especially after the last two weeks I've been having. 

Ali avoided me at all costs even in our English class when she sat right in front of me. Emily was still hanging my dirty secret over my head like a boulder waiting to fall. Sara and Will were getting relaxed with each other and my window of opprotnity was closing to get to Ali. I was bothered by it even more because today felt off and I wasn't sure why. I felt like something was going to happen that I wouldn't like.

I quickly shook off the feel and thought of other things. Starting with how to win Ali over and keep her sister from going psycho on me! I could have my secret getting out, but I needed to get a date with Ali so taht I could reach my goal before graduation. Since Sara and Will were going to start going out anyday now, I was running out of time to win Ali over.

"Hey Mr. Broman, can I go to the bathroom?" I called from the my secluded desk interrupting his the teaching of his actual class.

"Yes Mr. Collins, you may."

"Cool thanks." I say with a smirk as I pass by the girls in class, adding a wink to a few of them as I passed. I had been with all of them, but they didn't care that I had moved on unlike Emily. They were just pleased to have the Jace Collins expierence.

"I would appriciate it if you could leave my class once without distracting the female portion of the population Mr. Collins." Mr. Broman said bringing my attention to his voice instead of Casey's beautiful blue eyes, that were winking back at me.

Mr. Broman cleared his throat when I didn't answer. I snapped my gaze to Mr. Broman's, he lifted an eye brow and motioned for me to leave the class room as fast as possible. I winced at the angry glare on his face as I snatched the bathroom pass from his hand and raced out of the room. 

Once the door was shut behind me, I relaxed slightly. It's not my fault girls find me attractive, it's actually genetics fault and I can't help that. Blame my parents, actually don't I don't want to think about my parents doing.... awkward. I thought as I sauntered toward the bathroom. I didn't really need to go, but I felt like I had to leave that room. 

"Leave me alone! Why can't you just leave me be?" I heard a female voice yell as I stepped away from the classroom door. I glanced down the hall just in time to see Sara's blonde-ish brown hair turn the corner with some guy sculking after her. Sara wasn't one to ditch class, so she either had a free block and was running arrends for the teacher or she had a reason to be out of class.

"Do I really want to get involved with this?" I asked myself out loud as I saw Nate quickly round the same corner following Sara and the mysterious guy. "That's a yes."

"I don't care what you want. Leave me alone!" Sara's voice carried to my ears as I walked further down the hall.

"I just want to be friends. I don't want to ruin this." The male voice I didn't know said as I peaked around the corner.

The guy had Sara back up against the wall, but that didn't mean she wasn't defiante. She stood her ground and made a point not to show weakness at any time, to anyone. Although, now she was just angry, it wouldn't have mattered who this was, they were in for a difficult time with an angry Sara. She was difficult to deal with when she was neutral, angry she was a ticking time bomb.

I didn't want to get involved physically so I stayed around the corner and watched. Silently taking in the scene, until either it got so bad that I needed to step in or til someone came to blow my hiding spot. Which ever came first, but I hope niether came. Sara would be pissed for spying and not helping, but she might feel worse if I thought she couldn't handle herself. So I waited.

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