Weird Little Thing - Chapter One

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Dear Diary,

Three days since the last time I've cried.
Good thing... or a bad thing? Who knows...

I'm at your grave again, Al. Everyday, before and after school, I'm here... waiting for you to respond to these stupid entries Dad's making me do to control my emotions.

... Really, I think he's just doing it so he can read these and make sure I'm not suicidal or something.

So, Dad, if you're reading... I'm fine. It's been about a month since Allison died, it's getting easier. Sure, I still miss her like crazy, but I'm starting to get used to her absence, as absurd as that seems.

Dad has yellow roses on one side of your grave, I have white ones on the other. Shockingly, they're still there. Last time Scott and I had brought flowers here, they were stolen the same day. Stiles said the same thing happened to him once, when he brought flowers to his mom. He assured me that if someone wanted and needed flowers that much, you'd want that person to have them.

I still can't believe you're gone. When I got the phone call that night, I knew... I knew what had happened. There's a certain eerie tone to the ring, and that's why I didn't pick up.

I was too afraid.

It wasn't like when Mom or Aunt Kate died, this was my sister, my best friend. I wanted someone to tell me face-to-face... so I waited. I waited for the police to come to our door and tell me...

And I still can't stand the thought of you gone.

The grass tickles my bare legs underneath me as the morning sun sweeps over the graveyard. Today is the day. The first day back, the second semester of my freshman year.

Scott says this will be the worst, that everyone will either ask a lot of questions or ask none... and he can't tell me which is better. My dad is back over in France, trying to talk Isaac into coming back to Beacon Hills, but I just think it's too hard for him to be here.

Too many memories of her.

So until he gets back, I've been staying with Scott and his mom... and his dad, who keeps budging his way back into Scott's life, even if he doesn't want him there.

But other than that, there's nothing much going on in my life. Mason and I plan to sneak into Fifty Shades of Grey tonight... but that's the biggest plan of the week. As a sixteen year old, there's not much you can do with your life, especially in a town like Beacon Hills.

I stand up, disregarding the obnoxious feeling of forgetting something, as I always get that feeling when I leave my sister's grave...

I'm forgetting her.

I turn around, sighing a sad sigh. I press my fingers to my lips, then gently touch them to the cold marble on her tombstone.

"I miss you, Al."

I can picture her in my mind saying, "Stay strong, Annie, stay strong for everyone. You're the glue, the thing that holds it all together, and if you aren't mentally okay... the rest of them aren't either."

How exactly I'm "the glue" is still an unknown thought to me, but Allison always said that I was, so I'll take her word for it. I ponder the odd idea as I step into my car, start the engine, and listen to it rumble underneath me in the California air.

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