Sisterly Bonds - Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I gasped awake in a bed, immediately bringing my hand to my head, where my gash was. I panted, turning around kicking my feet onto the cold tile floor. As soon as I put weight on my legs, I fell to the ground, coughing.

My head throbbed, and I didn't know or understand where I was.

I was in the car, with Mason, and I made Isaac save him first. Then I remember the rushing feeling of my brain as I inhaled the water, and the stinging of my lungs... and then it was complete and utter blackness.

I pulled myself to my feet, feeling the outer edge of my spandex, and the cool air sweep against my bare back from where my gown split as I sprinted into the hallway, only to fall on my knees out there. I stumbled forward, practically dragging myself down the hallway, and then I heard his voice...

Liam's voice.

It seemed to be a mile away, and I was confused of how I was hearing it so clearly. I shook my head, sprinting to the elevator, and shutting myself inside. I was running to the only place I knew I was safe... with him.

As soon as the doors closed, his voice ceased, and a terrible ringing replaced it. I fell to the floor, holding my ears. Every measure of this shrieking ring felt as if it was tearing my brain apart. Something was wrong, something was wrong with my head. What was happening to me?

Then, another strange event occurred, for when the doors opened... the ringing abruptly stopped, and Scott's voice filled my ears. I shot myself forward, my feet slapping against the hard tile.

"Annie," a voice called behind me, and I kept running. The only reason I turned back to look... was because it sounded almost identical to Allison's, but there was not a single face there.

Suddenly, I crashed into a body, making me fly back and hit my hand on a waiting chair. Random hands helped me to my feet, saying things that I was too confused to really hear, but then one voice broke through... Isaac's.

I dashed to the sound of it, finally catching a face to the name I missed the most, and I threw my body on his. He wrapped his arms tightly around my torso, the tips of his fingers lightly brushing the bareness of my skin... and then I realized he wasn't the name I missed the most. I turned around and jumped into the arms of him. My love, my lover... my everything.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, as his found their way behind my hospital grown, touching me at the naked skin of my ribs. It wasn't until now that I realized how small I was compared to him... and just as he was about to whisper something in my ear, an odd sensation ran through my hand.

I averted my eyes to it, looking at the blood that trickled down my fingertips from when I hit it... but that wasn't the thing that alarmed me the most. The thing that alarmed me the most was the gash in my hand... healing together before my eyes.

I jumped back, attempting to flee my hand, too bad it was attached to my body. I fell to the ground, shaking my head, as Isaac kneeled down next to me.

"Annie, stop. Calm down. Annie, calm down." He soothed me, but nothing was working.

What the hell is this? What does this mean? Does this mean that I'm some sort of healing person now? Am I going to grow a tail? How did this happen? When did this happen? Why did this happen? Am I going to die?

So many thoughts and emotions filled my brain, it was too much to think about. I shook my head, closing my eyes, and bringing my knees to my chest in a type of comforting way. A hand rubbed my back, while two were placed on my knees in front of me. Just by their texture, I knew they were my dad's.

BLUNT. | Liam DunbarNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ