Wanker - Chapter Thirty

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I stood up off the ground, coughing up blood, and watching as Kira got slammed into a fence once again. Kira coughed, going to push herself to her feet, but the Berserker hit her once again, making her fall back down to the ground.

I felt the blood gushing from my head slowly fade as the gash healed, but Kira didn't heal as quickly as I did. I ran over to her, pulling her to her feet, and pushing her against a wall from support.

"Liam," she groaned, "get out of here. Run."

I growled as I turned the corner to face the monsters head on again, and Kira yelled, "LIAM!"

I turned the corner, and a Berserker stood there waiting for me. I roared, charging at it with full speed, and then regretting that decision as its fist connected with my jaw, and a bright light pooled over my eyes.

"You don't even have a shirt on... where are you going anyway?" she cleared her throat, taking her hand away.

I sighed, pulling on my shirt, "I'm going to go give Devenford a piece of my mind, I just heard their bus pull up."

"No, no, no!" Annie waved her finger in the air, "No! If I didn't make it clear already, no!"

I sighed, "Well, too bad because--"

Annie shoved her lips on mine, bringing her hands gently to my face. At first I was shocked, just like at the lake house, but then I felt it, a feeling deep in my gut that told me this is right.

I dropped all my thoughts and focused on how good I felt kissing her. I grabbed her around the waist, turning her around and pinning her against the lockers. She wrapped her hands around my neck, pulling me down to her.

Suddenly, I realized what she was doing. It took all my strength to pull out of our make-out sesh. I pulled my bag over my shoulder, "I know what you're doing."

I walked over to the door, "Really, what? Because I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one enjoying that back there." Annie said, following me out the door.

"I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I'm just saying I know what you're doing. You're stalling, that way I can't go talk to Devenford."

I walked out the front doors of the school, and I could see their bus up ahead. "Liam, don't do this." Annie pulled on my hand that she had grabbed, but I kept walking. Suddenly, a force knocked me forward a few steps, and I finally realized what it was... Annie had jumped on my back.

"What are you doing?" I asked, stopping and trying to look back at her.

Annie sighed, "That could only have gone two ways. I figured if it didn't knock you down, I'd just stay up here, because who's intimidating when they have a perky brunette on their back."

I shook my head, walking forward towards the bus once more. The front door opened and the first kid got off.

"Liam, please don't do this. Just find your anchor, it'll calm you down."

I snorted, Scott told me to find an anchor, and I already have one, even through I have yet to understand it. Annie jumped down from my back and I looked back at her, "I already have an anchor."

Annie smiled, "That's good. That's really good, so use it."

I closed my eyes, shaking my head. "I can't."

Annie creased her eyebrows, "Why not?"

"Because she's standing right in front of me."

"Liam?" a bright light shone into my eyes, "Liam, can you hear me?"

Melissa shined a flashlight in my eyes, and I sat up, my hospital room surrounded by darkness. I panted looking around, "What happened? Where's Annie?"

Melissa put her hand on my shoulder, "Liam..."

"What happened? Is she okay?" I stood up out of my bed, running out into the even darker hallway.

A woman bumped into me, and then quickly pushed me off of her and she continued to run down the hallway. The hospital was in chaos, with people running every which way, and hospital beds stretched along the side of the hallways.

I sprinted to the stairs, and then down them quickly, tripping a few times as I made my way. I yanked the bottom shaft door open and sprinted into the darkness.

"What happened to him?" Annie yelled, and suddenly a body collided with mine.

Arms and limbs flailed out and about, and then I heard her scream. "SCOTT!"

Suddenly, beady red eyes knocked me down to my ass and I rolled over, trying to brush off the sensation of my freaking tailbone being broken. "It's me!" I screamed, scrambling backwards and running into something, a wall I think. "It's me!"

"Wait..." Annie ran towards me, and I could sense her only a few feet away from me, "Liam?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's me."

Suddenly, a parade of hands mangled my chest and lips pressed against mine. It was bittersweet as she pulled away, her thumbs gently stroking my cheeks.

She laughed, "It's definitely Liam."

I sighed, pulling her into my arms, to the point where she was practically on top of me. "What happened?"

Annie sighed, and she sat up, "The wanker never showed up."

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