Battle Scars - Chapter Twenty

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I had already loaded my bow and arrows onto Scott's motorcycle, and I walked into his living room, holding a Chinese ring-dagger.

"Scott, do you think I'll need a--Hey, Agent McCall." I casually slipped the dagger into the cuff of my boot. "How's it going?"

"Hello, Annie." he nodded to me, then turned back to Scott. "We're taking her now."

"Dad, isn't that a little dangerous?" Scott shook his head at me. "I mean, Garrett's still out there. Maybe we should let someone else do it."

"I appreciate the concern, but after what happened with Katashi and losing evidence off an armored truck... I'm not letting this car out of my sight. And if you're still worried, you should know I've got Beacon Hills' finest coming with us."

Agent McCall walked out of Scott's house and I turned to him. "Holy, crap... What just happened?"

"Garrett!" Scott yelled, and Garrett opened Scott's closet door and stepped out.

"He was in there the entire time?" I pointed at Garrett.

Scott shook his head, "This isn't going to work."

Garrett nodded, "All you have to do is stop the car. I'll take care of the rest."

* * *

I rode on the back of Scott's motorcycle, the wind pushing hard against my skinny jeans and flannel. I itched behind my ear where the Bluetooth was, that Garrett told us Scott and I were required to wear.

"There's a stop sign half a mile ahead." Garrett said through the small chip. I didn't like it. I felt like he was in my head.

"So what?" Scott yelled into his Bluetooth. "I take the tires out with my claws?"

"Why do you think you have the huntress, dumbass. She's a damn good shot, so Annie, you better take this extra two miles between you and this car count for making high ground."

Scott immediately pulled to the side of the road, and I jumped off his bike, grabbing my bow and swinging the bushel of arrows over my shoulder.

"Annie!" Scott yelled as I started to run up the hill. I turned around. "Be careful."

I nodded, and then I ran up the hill, probably panting more than I should because I was nervous, freaked out, worried that Liam was dead. "Jeez, Annie, start working out more."

"Garrett," I kneeled down, arming my arrow and pulling back the deadweight of the string, "you're an ass. Now shut up so I can concentrate."

"Yeah, no worries." The car came into my sight, and I followed it with the tip of my arrow. "This whole thing is just riding on the life of your boyfriend."

I inhaled, "Good thing I never miss." I exhaled, releasing the arrow, and watching as the tire on the car went up in smoke, making a loud popping sound. I sprinted down the tree-line, meeting Scott at the bottom.

I could see Stilinski and McCall in the front seat. I nodded, "We got 'em."

Stilinski quickly put the car in reverse, and continued to press down the pedal even though they were only moving a few feet every ten seconds. Scott shook his head and ran out to the middle of the road, waving his arms. "Stop the car! Stop the car!"

"Garrett, we have a problem."

"I can see that. What the hell is he doing?"

I watched as Scott pulled his Bluetooth from his ear and threw it on the ground, then stepping on it, smashing it into a million pieces. Sheriff got out of the car, he was all bloodied. "Scott..."

"She's not in the car." Scott shook his head at me. "Violet's gone."

"Garret, something's happened. Violet, she's gone. I don't--"

"YOU WANT ME?" Garrett yelled on the other end. "COME ON! COME AND GET ME! YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT!" I heard the all too familiar snarling, growling, bone crackling monster. "You're not so big! You're not so--"

"Garrett?" I asked, the line was dead. "Garrett!"

Scott looked over at me and I ran into the road with him. Sheriff walked over to Scott, shaking his head. "Scott, listen to me. They're still here. They're still here."

"Who?" Scott shook his head. "Who's still here?"

I gulped hard. "The Berserkers."

A sudden pain rushed over me as I fell to the ground. I flipped over on my front, and scrounged to my feet just in time to dodge another blow from a Berserker itself. I armed an arrow, and shot it at the single point you can actually hit a Berserker's skin, it's belly. It made a squashing sound as if went in, and I armed another arrow, shooting at the one that had just knocked Scott to the road.

The Berserker I had shot was just like the one I'd seen once before, the one that gave me the only battle scar I've received. "Oh, shit!" I yelled as it launched towards me, grabbing my bow from me and throwing it behind him.

The next thing I knew, I felt something hard hitting my head... and then blackness washed over me.

* * *

I stood with dry blood dripping down the side of my forehead. My knuckles were raw and pink from scraping them on the road as I went down. They just left us there to die. They just left us, instead of finishing us off, they left us.

Scott's eyes began to flicker open. "Oh, God." I sighed, walking forward and rubbing his dirt soiled face. "You have the worst timing, Scott."

He looked down at his belly, looking at the rounded bull horn one of the Berserkers had stabbed into him, as if it was some sick joke. "Hey, there." Deaton said, cutting back the remainder of Scott's shirt. "I was actually hoping you would be out for a few more minutes."

"Scott." My dad leaned forward, grabbing ahold of one end of the bull horn. "This is going to hurt."

I grabbed Scott's hand, and my dad nodded to me as he yanked the sucker out of Scott. Scott was squeezing my hand so tight, I was squeezing his shoulder to take out my pain. "You alright?" I sighed as my dad pulled the last of it out.

"Where's my dad and the Sheriff?" here he goes, never worrying about himself... it's always about others.

"They're at the hospital. They're both doing fine. Can you tell me where you are?" Deaton examined Scott's pupils with a flashlight.

"Hawaii," Scott said, breaking into a smile. "The animal clinic."

Deaton nodded, handing him the bloodied bull horn. "Hold this."

"Hmm." Scott huffed, looking at it, as if amused that that was in his body. "It was Kate. It was her and the Berserkers."

"We know," my dad nodded. "But they move fast, and they don't leave much in the way of tracks."

Scott shook his head, sitting up and coughing. "We have to find her. She had Violet. I think Violet knows where Liam is."

Deaton took the bloodied bullhorn back from him, examining it. "Then as much as this hurt, it could also possibly help."

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