Nothing - Chapter Eight

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I let her go as she flailed her limbs, kicking and hitting whatever body part she could find. I grabbed her hands holding them together, and not letting go until she calmed down. Eventually, though, I could see her staring down at her hands, and I wondered if she felt the same magnetic pulse run through her veins.

"Liam, what the hell are you doing?" Annie shook her head, pulling her hands away from mine, dropping them to her sides.

I sighed, shaking my head, "You're asking me? Two juniors just kidnapped me, only after one of them bit me. I have no utter clue what's happening. I don't know how I feel about you, I don't understand what that kid was at the hospital, I don't understand how Scott has glowing eyes and fangs, and I don't understand why you're being so secretive!"

Annie just stared at me for a moment, probably trying to contain her laughter at my sudden outburst. "Liam..."

As soon as my name left her mouth, I darted out of the bushes, leaving her there by herself. I didn't understand what happened that night, and I didn't want to. I just wanted to move on with my life and never see those idiots again.

* * *

I walked down the hallway at school, my wrist covered in a bandage where Scott had bitten me. I pushed the thought out of my head, trying not to think about it. My shoes scuffed the floor as I closed my eyes, letting the current of students carry me to my locker. Suddenly, a hand wrapped around my wrist and yanked me to the side of the hallway.

It was Mason, and standing right behind him was Annie. She gave me a face, as if telling me that we needed to talk. "Hey, Liam, I didn't see your car this morning." Mason leaned against a locker.

I gulped hard, "I ran."

Mason raised his eyebrows at me, "You ran three miles to school?"

"Yeah." I nodded, looking back at Annie. "I just started running." I paused, "Annie, could I talk to you?"

Without waiting for an answer, I pulled her away from Mason and into the gym hallway. It was remotely empty and the only sound was Annie tugging back on her arm, wondering where I was taking her.

I stopped in the hallway, looking up the stairs to make sure no one was around and then leaned back down to her. "We need to talk."

Annie nodded, "I know, but you--"

"Liam, hey!" Stiles called out, rushing down the hallway at us. I quickly slipped Annie behind me, putting her in a protective state. She scoffed, pushing my arm away, but still standing behind me. Maybe she can take care of herself.

Scott ran towards us from Annie's side of hallway. "We need to talk."

"No," I turned towards him, "you need to back the hell up." I turned back to Stiles, "Both of you."

"Can you just listen for one second!" Scott pleaded. "Liam... we're brothers now."

Annie laughed aloud, but then put a hand over her mouth. She looked up at Scott, a huge smile growing onto her face, "Oh, my god. You did not..."

I shook my head, "What?"

Stiles threw the back of his hand to his face. "Oh, god. That's..."

I shook my head, I was done with the games. "What are you talking about? We just met and you bit me!"

"The bite..." Scott paused, "The bite is a gift."

"Jesus Christ," Annie sighed.

"Scott, stop. Please, stop." Stiles pushed Scott back. He pointed single finger at me. "You--you--we're trying to help you, you little runt!"

I rolled my eyes, "By kidnapping me?"

Stiles sighed, slouching his shoulder downward. "Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you, okay? I aided and abetted."

Scott sighed apologetically, "Liam, I've gone through this before. Something's happening to you." Scott paused, "Something big."

"Nothing's happening to me!" I bursted out, dropping my bag on the floor and ripping off the bandage covering the bite. Where I was bleeding last night was completely healed over, as if Scott biting me had never happened. I held my wrist in the air, "Nothing."

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