Hit the Road, Jack - Chapter Eighteen

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Mason jogged alongside me on one of the Beacon Hills Reserve trails. My mind was in so many places as so many different times, it was too hard to cope. I couldn't focus on Mason running beside me, or Annie, or Scott, or running, or lacrosse... or anything. It was all just mumble-jumble that made no sense to me.

"--It's not that we were just friends with them, they were using us for their cover. I mean, professional killers were using us," Mason panted next to me. "How are you not freaking out?"

"Trust me," I said, my breathing even, "I'm freaking out about a lot."

I started sprinting, I just started running. My legs loved the feeling of running, and I knew it was because I was a freaking werewolf.

"Liam, slow down!" Mason panted behind me. "Liam!"

I love Mason, but I needed to run, to get away from everyone and just have a day of my own... a day full of running. When I was about a mile ahead, I slowed down a bit, only a little, though.

I ran, and ran, and ran. The running was clearing my thoughts. Suddenly, though, my thoughts were filled with the blue truck following directly behind me. I turned around, and it hit the gas pedal, hitting me with the hood of their car.

I flew forward, literally, and hit the pavement underneath all of the fallen leaves. I felt my skin burn as it bled out. Then I heard it... his voice.

"Hey, Liam. Sorry I missed our lacrosse practice. Don't worry. I got something else planned."

It was Garrett.

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