This is Why I Never Watch the News - Chapter Twenty-Four

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I road in the car with Liam, driving to the animal clinic. I know I have better things do to at 7:00 am rather than driving to meet an old lady who might not even be able to help us.

My phone vibrated, and I pulled it out.

SCOTT: At the PSAT's now, wish us luck. Love you.

ME: Good luck. Love you too!

"Stiles, Malia, Kira, Scott - they're all at the high school for their PSAT's." I nodded to Liam.

"What about Lydia?"

"She took them her freshman year," I shrugged. "She's at the lake house right now."

"Okay," Liam nodded, and we set into the awkward silence once again.

I didn't say it back, because I didn't know if I did. But I do now. I really know now. "Hey, Liam?"


"I love you, too."

Liam hit the brakes, hard, and the next thing I knew we were stopped in the middle of the road.

"You do understand there's cars behind us right?"

Liam shrugged, putting the car in park. "I don't give a shit."

He crashed his lips onto mine, and it all felt like a fairy-tale, that was until an idiot yelled and honked behind us, ruining the moment.

"Hey, idiots!"

We heard a door slam and my eyes went wide. I smiled, "Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Liam laughed as he put the car in drive, and shouting something like "YES!" I shook my head. Never did I imagine anything like this to be happening to plain old me... although, I never imagined werewolves were real either, so...

Liam pulled up to the animal clinic, and immediately his demeanor changed. "Why did Deaton ask you here again?"

I shrugged, "He said that he needed my help... he didn't mention what for. Why?"

Liam got out of the car, "We better hurry."

I jumped out of the car and ran into the clinic, opening the mountain ash counter and running through it. When I got to the surgery room, a man laid on one of the tables, black blood coming out every open source of his body.

"Holy hell..." I gasped. "What happened?"

"An infection ran ramped throughout our camp... he's the last infected... and the last alive." Kira's grandmother, Satomi, said.

I shook my head, walking over to the limp laying man. "How does it begin?"

"With a fever." She gulped, "The shifting becomes uncontrollable. Fangs, claws, even full, unwarranted transformations. We moved into the woods when that began. Then it progressed faster and faster. They couldn't stand." she looked over at her Beta, "But worse than that was this sudden blindness."

I nodded walking over to Deaton and grabbing a small flashlight off the counter. "Total?" I asked.

I shined the light in his eyes, not getting any reaction from his pupils. Satomi shook her head, "They couldn't see a thing. From there..." she sighed, "they had only a few minutes left. I brought him here hoping that Deaton could accommodate him, help him... but he said you may be more of a use."

I sighed, shaking my head, "I'm going to be honest, Satomi. We need to get him to a hospital."

"That's never really been an option for our kind," Satomi shrugged. "Unless you know something I don't."

I looked up at Deaton, "Not something, but someone."

Deaton creased his eyebrows, "Melissa."

"Annie!" Liam yelled from out in the waiting area, the news was turned into the T.V. as I ran in there. He looked at me, "You're gonna wanna see this."

"A recent outbreak of a deadly virus has called in the C.D.C. and has several student and faculty quarantined inside of the high school. The symptoms include dizziness, a high fever, delusional behavior, and blindness. If you are having any of the symptoms listed, please stay away from all adults and children, and call the C.D.C. hotline posted down below."

"Oh, my god." I gasped, "Scott, Stiles, Malia, Kira, everyone is in there!"

Liam came over and grabbed my hands, "It'll be okay. They'll be okay."

I shook my head, "I--Is it possible that this could be that virus he has?" I looked at Deaton who had his eyes glued on the T.V.

"Annie, I'm 100% that it's the same thing," he sighed.

I blinked rapidly, "Oh, my god."

Deaton shook his head, "Annie, get to the high school. I've got this."

I gulped looking over at him, "Are you sure?"

Deaton nodded, "I'm sure. Go, now."

I nodded and looked to Liam as I ran out to his car. I shut the door, and Liam got in after me, putting it in drive. I rubbed my hands together nervously, looking out the windows for any and everything.

Liam reached over and held my hands in his, easing their movement. "Annie, it's okay," he looked at me. "We're going to save them."

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