She'll Be There - Chapter Four

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I gasped as Annie leaned forward and squeezed my fingers together, pinching the top of the eyedropper in my hands. I pulled away quickly, my mouth dropping into an O shape as bubbles began to form. I thought it was all over, I would have an F in Chemistry because of this girl... that is until the dry ice began to form and puff cool white mist into the air.

Annie leaned back, smirking at me. She laughed, "Gotcha!"

I exhaled, bringing the back of my hand to my forehead. "Oh, my god." I shook my head, "You tricked me."

Annie shrugged her shoulders, "Sorry, but do you really think I'd leave the lethal part to someone who has never dealt with this situation before? Come on, Liam."

I looked over at her, smirking, "Was that supposed to be an insult?"

She scoffed, "Not unless you take it personally." She paused, leaning in closer to me, making our faces mere inches apart. "Then yeah, I guess it is an insult."

And with that, she stood up, walked away, and came back with more supplies. She stared at me confused when she got back, "What are you doing?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Sitting here."

Annie smirked, looking up at the kid standing in front of our table, and then looked back to me. "Maybe you should switch, since the timer restarted?"

* * *

The rest of the day came in a blur, and the next thing I knew I was at home, typing away on my phone to Mason.

ME: Come on, man. It's your job as my newest best friend to give me her number...

MASON: And if I gave you her number without her permission, what kind of best friend would I be to her? You don't know Annie, Liam. Yeah, she's pretty small... but she can kick some serious ass. No joke. Seen it done over ten times, at least.

ME: Whose ass is she kicking?

MASON: All the several boys that have held both of us down at parties and attempted to "get with" Annie. Scott and Stiles usually show up, it's like the always know where Annie is, but still... I've seen her kick some major ass.

ME: "Get with"? That sounds a lot more like rape...

MASON: Exactly. Annie's strong, independent, she barely lets anyone in. ANYONE. Sometimes not even me. 😔

ME: At least just try to get her to lacrosse tryouts tomorrow after school... for me.... Please. ☺️

MASON: Fine.

I practically smiled at that. I almost put my phone down when it started buzzing loudly, and I quickly picked it up, as if expecting it to be Mason giving me Annie's number.

GARRETT: Hey dude, it's that guy from your History class. I got your number from Mason. Be on the field tomorrow at 6. Bring workout clothes, I need to see these "skills" Mason won't shut up about.

ME: I'll be there.

I finally sat my phone down, laying back in my bed. I stared up at my ceiling, up at the white that wasn't too plain... nor too vibrant. Just white.

My step-dad walked into my room, still wearing his lab coat from today's work at the hospital. "Hey, ready for lacrosse tryouts?"

I sat up, clearing my throat, "I'm ready."

My dad chuckled, "Good. Get some sleep. Your mom will wake you up in the morning."

I nodded to him as he walked out. My phone buzzed once more, and I groaned as I picked it up off my dresser.

MASON: She'll be there.

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