Hurt Myself - Chapter Twenty-One

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I took another step up the wall of the well Garrett had put me in. I just woke up here, and my chest was bleeding. I took another step up, except this time I missed, and I was only dangling by my fingertips.

"No, no, no, no! Come on!" I yelled at myself, a muffled cry escaping my mouth. I was going to die. I was going to die down here, and Annie won't ever see me again.


Scott pointed at the window on Lydia's dock house. "You did that, you went right through it."

"I jumped through the window?" I shook my head.

Scott nodded, "The cuts healed while you were changing."

"I guess that's one good thing," I shrugged.

"For you." Scott raised his eyebrows at me. "For someone else it could be really bad. We need to figure out how you can get a grip on this."

I shook my head, "I've been trying to do that for years."

Scott sighed, "What does your dad say?"

I paused, thinking about my step-dad. "He says when two kids get angry they deal with it in one of two ways. They either hurt themselves... or they hurt someone else."


I replayed it again and again in my mind. I was not going to hurt someone else. I was not going to make someone else suffer for my mistakes. If hurting myself was what meant getting out of here, then so be it.

I squeezing my muscles together, getting a firmer grip on the damp wall, and moving my legs to it, finally feeling the relief in my hand.

I did it.

Now all I have to do is climb the next 20 feet...

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