Kids - Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Kira looked down at the three laptops, watching the people walk through the hospital like any normal day, because to them... it was. "Is three enough?" she raised her eyebrows speculatively.

"Depends on how many cameras they have." Stiles shrugged, "But I think so."

Lydia shook her head, "Are we really doing this?"

Scott nodded, "We're doing this. Tonight."

Liam knocked his knuckles on Scott's wooden table, "But isn't it kind of dangerous?"

I huffed, giving Scott the glare. "It's incredibly dangerous, and borderline idiotic."

"Have you guys done something like this before?" Liam crooked his neck to the side.

Stiles raised an eyebrow at him, "Something dangerous, or something idiotic?"

I squinted my eyes, "I think it's a yes to both."

Liam nodded, "I'm not scared."

Stiles scoffed, "Then you're borderline idiotic. If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us, you know that right?"

"How do we even know if anything is definitely coming?" Kira shook her head.

Scott sighed, "Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation is required."

I nodded, remembering the terrible incident in the locker room that took place only 24 hours ago. "Simon said the same thing. He couldn't get paid by The Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead." I laced my fingers together and sat them on the table in front of me.

Scott looked around at all of us, "So the idea is, what if you kill someone in the dead pool, but you can't send the proof?"

"You don't get paid," Kira said as if she had just discovered fire.

Liam squinted his eyes, "But how does that bring us any closer to The Benefactor?"

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead," Scott said, looking at me.

Stiles nodded, "Especially if that someone is high on the list."

Liam sighed, "So if he wants visual confirmation..."

Scott stood up straight, "He's going to have to come get it himself."

* * *

I sat in my father's car at the hospital, listening as the sirens grew closer and closer. I watched the blinking lights as the ambulance pulled into the hospital parking lot, and listened to the tires squeal on the blacktop as it swerved to a halt. My dad looked over at me, and placed his hand over mine, "Are you ready for this?"

I nodded, "I'm ready for anything."

My dad smiled, turning his attention back towards the ambulance whose doors were opened and a stretcher was being rushed through the front doors of the hospital. "Then let's go."

I jumped out of the car, and ran to the building, just in time to see the paramedics rush down the hallway. I ran after them, and my dad shouted for me to stop, but I stayed persistent.

"Move, move, move!" The paramedic yelled, rushing the stretched down the hallway.

The nurse put something over the kid's face to help him breath, but his chest stayed still. She looked up at the rest of her team, "We need EGC."

They rushed the kid into a hospital room, as a nurse took scissors to his shirt, cutting it off. I stood in the back of the room, my hand over my mouth to keep from sobbing out. The nurse hooked him up to a vital monitor, and shook her head. "He's flat-lining..."

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