The Benefactor - Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Hey, I'm at the bonfire now. Where are you? Are you coming? Liam's here."

I sighed, "We're kind of going through something right now, and I doubt me being around alcohol and Liam is a good combination."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I mentally freaked out, "No, I think I'm good in that department. You know, getting the whole boyfriend advice from the brotherly friend? I think I've had my fair share."

Scott huffed, "Alright, well, just call if you need anything."

"Will do, love you."

"Love you, too, Annie."

I sat down on my bed, throwing off my pair of sneakers, and sighing as I plopped down on my bed. So much was happening... First, Derek can't use his wolf strength any more because Kate, somehow, took it away... We haven't unlocked the third dead pool yet, and Liam is on the new one for a higher price... Everyone is! And there's this thing going on between me and Liam, I don't even know what to do about it, he so confusing. One minute he's groping my thighs in the next he's running off, not telling me where is going, and not even talking me when he saw me in the hallway at school. It kind of makes me feel like complete and utter shit, especially because of the events that happened just a few hours prior.

I took a breath, trying to call myself down, because any more time spent on that subject was going to shoot me, and my nerves, up to Mars. I leaned over to my bed stand, and pulled out my book. As I read the first page, my phone begin to ring again, and I groaned, picking it up and putting it to my ear.


"Hey, Annie."

It was Liam.

"Liam?" I sat up in bed, looking around my room. "Hey?"

"I want you to know that--that hat I love you, and me had a fun time last night, and I just--I just really-really-really like you, I love you, and I don't want you to think that I don't."

I sighed, "Liam, you're drunk... Off your ass. What the hell is wrong with you?"

He stirred his lips on the other line, "Well, nothing is wrong with me, I just really love you."

"Liam, I love you too, that's why I'm getting in my car right now and I'm driving there to get you..."

"I-I-I-I-I don't believe that's necessary."

"Liam, shut up, I'm on my way."

I hung up my phone and scooted to the edge of my bed, kicking on my sneakers that I had not had off for less than 15 minutes. I stood up, digging through my book bag for my car keys, finding them, and walking out my door. I rode the elevator down, listened to the awful music, and made my way to my car outside.

Just as I got it in, my phone began to ring... Again, and I made sure to check the caller ID this time before I picked up. It was Stiles.

"Stiles?" I picked up the phone, but all I heard was wrestling. "Stiles, hello?"

"Hello! Hello, help! I don't know if I'm that skilled, but if I happened to butt dial someone, please help! Get Scott McCall and tell him to call my dad! Tell him I'm at Eichen House with Lydia Martin, and a serial killer/assassin is trying to kill us!"

"Really, Stiles? Really?" Lydia's voice spoke up before she shouted too. "Listen, if anyone is actually listening, please help us. Brunski is going to kill us!"

I slammed the breaks of my car as I made a U-turn and rerouted my directions to Eichen House. I ran through my contacts, finding Scott and calling him, but getting no reply.

"Come on, Scott..." I pressed down the pedal harder, driving over the old bridge leading out to Eichen House. "Come on, Scott!"

I twisted the corner and parked my car randomly in the parking lot. I jumped out, and ran to my trunk, popping it open and getting my extra bow out. It wasn't the best one I have, but it worked for the time being. I shut my trunk and ran towards the east doors of Eichen, the ones where the guard falls asleep nightly. I remember checking the perimeter to make sure it was safe when we figured out we needed Meredith to help us with the dead pool... that is, before she killed herself.

I ducked behind the perimeter watch stand and made my way towards the door, slipping through the cold metal and fitting my bow in behind me. Stiles never mentioned where he was, just that he was here, so I sprinted to the one place I knew that held the most secrets... the basement. There was two sections, a storage department, and the filing department. My guess is that Stiles and Lydia are in the filing section, considering they were coming here to find information about her grandmother. Apparently, she's the one who created the whole entire code for the dead pool... However the hell that happened.

I sprinted down the stairs, and rounded the corner that lead into the filing room quicker than I've ever ran in my entire life. All of a sudden I heard a shrieking noise I could only belong to Lydia... She was screaming "NO!"

I quickly armed an arrow, pulling back the weight and aiming it at Brunski as I turned the corner. When Stiles was in here for a bit while the Nogitsune was possessing him, and when he came out, Allison said that I should stay away from that guy, she said that Stiles had a run in with him and he was a twat. Now I understand what she means as I see him with a needle, plunging it into Lydia's neck.

He looked up at me, and I posed my arrow attentively at his every slightest move. "Drop it," I said harshly. "Take your thumb off that needle and slowly withdraw it from her neck."

"Young Argent," Brunski smirked up at me. "You're just a kid, I bet you never even fired a--"

I shot my arrow, hitting him in the chest, and causing him to fall to the ground. I ran to Lydia, pulling the syringe from her neck, and untying her and Stiles.

Lydia panted, watching as Brunski did the same. "He--he killed my grandmother. He was controlling Meredith."

Stiles nodded, holding Lydia in his arms, "He used her to create the dead pool."

Lydia glared down at Brunski, "And killed her when she tried to help us."

Brunski laughed weakly, blood coming up as he coughed, assuring me that I hit a lung. "You--you think it was me?" Brunski panted, "That I was controlling her?" Brunski laughed hysterically, "Idiots... She was controlling me!"

Lydia's eyes went wide as Brunski's eyes fell quiet. A wash of lightheadedness when over me when I realized I had just killed a man I have no remorse for... it's an odd feeling to take someone's life away and not feel guilty at all.

Lydia gasped, "Oh, God. It's not him." She looked up at me, shaking her head. "He's not The Benefactor."

"No," a voice said behind me, and I quickly armed an arrow, aiming it at the source. "And... he wasn't on my list... but he was a bad person."

She looked at my arrow, smiling, and then back at Lydia. "I am The Benefactor." she chimed.

Meredith. Meredith was The Benefactor.

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