He Gone - Chapter Thirty-One

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A/N - Y'all ain't ready for this shit.


I woke up in bed, sitting up on my elbows, and looking over at the clock.

1:32 am

I looked back over at Liam, who was sitting straight up in his bed, staring at something. I sat up next to him, "Liam, what's wrong?"

Liam didn't say anything, and the situation grew more tense as I followed his gaze to his printer where paper after paper fell to the ground. I put my hand on Liam's bicep, that was flexed and shaking... he was scared.

Liam moved his comforter off of his legs, and scooted his feet to the floor. I held my breath as he shuffled to his printer, hitting the cancel button over and over again, but getting no response.

I stood up, and walked over to where he was standing, and then picked up one of the papers. It was the dead pool, both of them, one of them containing his name. I dropped the paper and reached down, ripping out the cord charging the printer.

I stood back up and Liam stared at me, his mouth gaping. He shook his head, "I--I'm going to die, aren't I?"

"Liam," I shook my head, grabbing his hand and leading him to his bed, setting him down on it. I got on my knees, and kneeled between his legs, holding his hands in mine. "You're not going to die, do you hear me? You're not going to die..."

"You don't know that," Liam shook his head, "I might, and I could."

I shook my head, "You're not, and you want to know why?" I paused, "Because you're strong enough to fight through this."

Liam looked down at me, and gently let my hands go, then moved them to my face, stroking my cheeks. He leaned down and kissed me, and we both stood up as I tugged at the bottom of his shirt. Liam raised his arms as I slowly removed it, then ran my hands down his body and leaving them on his waist.

Liam spun me around, and the back of my bare thighs scraped his bed frame. Liam's hands found there way to my breasts, and I stopped, staring down at his hands, and he quickly pulled away. I hesitated before I pulled my shirt off, leaving me bare chested in front of him. I began to feel really nervous as he looked my bare body up and down, but then all of that faded away as he pressed his lips to mine, and guided my body to the bed, flopping me down onto it and sliding between my legs.

Liam rubbed my cheek with his thumb, looking me right in the eyes, "I love you... so much."

I smiled, looking back up at him, "I love you, too, Liam Dunbar."

* * *

I sat in Liam's tub, with my knees at my chest, and the shower hitting my forehead with a different pitter-patter for every drop. The whole "After-Your-First-Time-Having-Sex-Look" seriously didn't fit me.

I felt dirty, and I felt different. Did I look different? Am I supposed to feel like this? Sure, I'm really happy my first was with Liam... like, really happy, but everything was just so confusing now. Did Liam even know I was a virgin? I mean, was he a virgin? There was no many things that we hadn't talked about, and we needed to.

I stood up and turned off the water, then walked over to the sink, throwing my hair up in a towel, and wrapping one around my body, tucking the end of it inside itself, so that it'd stay up with no support.

I exhaled and nodded to myself as I turned to the door, pulling it open, and closing my eyes. "Listen, Liam, we really need to--"

I opened my eyes to a completely empty room.

Liam had left.

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