Really Good - Chapter Forty-Five

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I sat in the locker room, bouncing my leg up and down, shaking my lacrosse bag with every movement. Tonight was the big game, and Scott was no where to be found. We're playing Devenford tonight, and it's not just a scrimmage, this game goes on the books.

Stiles walked into the locker room, and I immediately rushed towards him, shaking my head. Stiles huffed, "Everything's fine. I got a text from him this morning that said he might be a little late."

"Well how late it late? Is he always late?" I said frantically, and Stiles looked over at me like I was crazy. I took a breath, "We're playing Devenford Prep and this time it's an actual game. He shouldn't be late."

Coach walked up to us, "Who shouldn't be late?"


Stiles gave me a look, "Scott and Kira."

I sighed, "They might be slightly late."

Coach stammered something, "Slightly is still late. What are they doing?"

Stiles wrung his hands together, "They're doing something that's going to make them slightly late."

Coach huffed, "What could Scott and Kira be doing right now that's more important than playing in the first game?"

I looked over at Stiles, trying to contain my laughter as my mind drifted to a dirty place. There's a lot of things Annie and I could be doing that could make me slightly late.

Stiles sighed, "Oh, Coach..."

* * *

Annie raced towards me, jumping on me and wrapping her legs around my torso, before lip-locking with me right in front of the Devenford boys. I pulled away, her face was in a smile as she looked back at the boys with growing erections, while my face stayed smug.

Annie jumped down and pulled me to the bench, where she sat between a hyperactive Stiles and myself. I bounced my leg up and down, my breath creating a white fog as it collided with the cool air. "They're still not here."

"Okay," Annie sighed, turning and kicking her legs over mine, so she was half-sitting in my lap. "What's really going on?"

Stiles leaned over, "Are you nervous about the full moon? It's not for another 24 hours."

Annie studied my face, and I felt jealous of her. She was a werecheetah, with werecheetah perks. She was the fastest thing on the planet, she only felt the effects of the full moon twice a year... not once a month, and she's a badass hunter. I'm just a werewolf with an anxiety problem.

"Liam, you're going to be fine. Okay?" Annie stroked my cheeks with her thumbs. "Just try not to rage out on anyone."

I creased my eyebrows at her, "You're not worried?"

She smirked, shaking her head, "I trust you."

"I'm mildly concerned," Stiles raised his hand. "Mildly."

I sighed, losing the confidence that Annie had brought my way. "We're going to lose without him."

"No, you're not." Annie stood up, walking behind me slipping her hands into the top of my shirt, rubbing my shoulders. "You can be just as good without Scott."

Stiles nodded, "I've been practicing... And let me tell you something, I'm getting good. Really good."

BLUNT. | Liam DunbarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora