Anchors - Chapter Twelve

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A/N - If you are liking the story, and want me to continue posting, like! Comment! Tell me what you think! Or I might erase, because I feel like this is garbage. Anyway, here's chapter twelve, and hoorah! Finally a Liam's POV. YAYYY


As soon as the final bell rang, I practically sprinted out of US History. I sat in the weight room... lifting weights. Finally something normal in my entire freaking life. Well, it would have been normal if Annie didn't decide to babysit me. She's literally sitting on this huge dumbbell, criss-crossed, reading a book, in her everyday clothes... If I wasn't so into her, and she wasn't so pretty, I'd definitely have a restraining order by now.

Mason stood a few feet away doing arm curls with two five pound dumbbells ... I'm pretty sure Annie could lift more. "You know how I keep reminding Garrett to give me back my hoodie?"

I nodded, laying down underneath the press, and lifting the weight in the air. I let out a strained, "Yeah."

"Well, I remembered you said he lived in that housing development on Spaulding. So I went there and guess what? The housing development is still development." Mason said.

Annie finally looked up from her book, "That's weird."

"So?" I said, standing up and putting more weight on my bar. I was up to 150, more than I weighed.

"There are no houses yet. So unless the dude lives in some backhoe, there's something he's not telling us." Mason continued on, and I lifted the weight in the air... there still isn't enough pressure. I set the weight down. "And then there's this other dude, man, he's... He's been acting really strange. Running to school for no reason, disappearing at parties, used to be one of my best friends."

I nodded, hearing... but not listening. "Uh-huh."

Annie snorted a laugh for some reason, "Yeah, and apparently he's also on steroids."

"What?" I sat up, shaking my head at her.

"You're not actually going to try to lift that, are you?" Mason eyed the 250 pound weight, and I rubbed my eyes. "Are you alright? I mean, is it about the game tonight?"

"I'm fine," I shook my head. "It's just a scrimmage."

"You know who we're playing, right?"

"Mason..." Annie shook her head at him.

I eyed her suspiciously, "No, I guess I missed the announcement."

Mason huffed, "Liam, it's your old school, Devenford Prep."

"Really, Mason!" Annie whined, "I told you not to tell him."

I stood up, shaking my head and walking away into the boy's locker room. Soon enough, the door click open again, and I pulled off my shirt. "Mason, I'm fine. It's just my old school."

"Who said I was Mason?" A high-pitched voice spoke out behind me.

I spun around to see Annie with her hands on her hips, and she raised her eyebrows at my half-naked body. "You need to baby-sit me while I get dressed too?"

Annie shrugged, "I'm not complaining."

My felt the heat rush to my cheeks, as Annie turned around to face the wall. I quickly took off my shorts and threw on my jeans. As soon as I buttoned the last button, Annie turned around again. "So what's your problem, anyway?"

I heard the tires to the Devenford bus squeak as their driver came to a stop. "I gotta go."

Annie stepped in my path, her hand on my unclothed chest. "You don't even have a shirt on... where are you going anyway?" she cleared her throat, taking her hand away.

I sighed, pulling on my shirt, "I'm going to go give Devenford a piece of my mind, I just heard their bus pull up."

"No, no, no!" Annie waved her finger in the air, "No! If I didn't make it clear already, no!"

I sighed, "Well, too bad because--"

Annie shoved her lips on mine, bringing her hands gently to my face. As first I was shocked, just like at the lake house, but then I felt it, a feeling deep in my gut that told me this is right.

I dropped all my thoughts and focused on how good I felt kissing her. I grabbed her around the waist, turning her around and pinning her against the lockers. She wrapped her hands around my neck, pulling me down to her.

Suddenly, I realized what she was doing. It took all my strength to pull out of our make-out sesh. I pulled my bag over my shoulder, "I know what you're doing."

I walked over to the door, "Really, what? Because I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one enjoying that back there." Annie said, following me out the door.

"I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I'm just saying I know what you're doing. You're stalling, that way I can't go talk to Devenford."

I walked out the front doors of the school, and I could see their bus up ahead. "Liam, don't do this." Annie pulled on my hand that she had grabbed, but I kept walking. Suddenly, a force knocked me forward a few steps, and I finally realized what it was... Annie had jumped on my back.

"What are you doing?" I asked, stopping and trying to look back at her.

Annie sighed, "That could only have gone two ways. I figured if it didn't knock you down, I'd just stay up here, because who's intimidating when they have a perky brunette on their back?"

I shook my head, walking forward towards the bus once more. The front door opened and the first kid got off.

"Liam, please don't do this. Just find your anchor, it'll calm you down."

I snorted, Scott told me to find an anchor, and I already have one, even through I have yet to understand it. Annie jumped from my back and I looked back at her, "I already have an anchor."

Annie smiled, "That's good. That's really good, so use it."

I closed my eyes, shaking my head. "I can't."

Annie creased her eyebrows, "Why not?"

"Because she's standing right in front of me."

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