Utterly Weak - Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Ma'am, are you alright? Can you sit up?"

I nodded, siting up slowly, putting on my best show that I was in pain. "I--I don't know what happened."

"Have you not been feeling well lately? Had any unusual or new food or substances put into your body?" they pressed a heart listener thingy to my chest.

"I don't remember, I'm sorry."

The woman leaned up and looked me in eyes, "Fortunately, your symptoms for the virus are gone... unfortunately, you're quarantined in here with people whom are infected. For now, I want you to stay put. Don't move. You fainted outside, and I'm not sure why, yet. I took the liberty of cleaning up that nose of yours, so that leaves you no reason for leaving this spot." she smiled kindly at me.

I raised my eyebrows, "What if I have to pee?"

The doctor shifted her body, looking at the small portable toilet that looked like it had been used one too many times. Then she turned back to me, "Take a rest, who knows how long you'll be in here."

I nodded my head as she walked out of the draped over containment area. I sighed when the tarp closed and rubbed my head, standing up and throwing my hair into a pony-tail. I looked around my small area, and then peeked my head out of the drapes. No one was in the hallway.

I ran on my tip-toes out into the main hallway where people busied about, and then I walked casually, trying to blend in. I remember Scott saying that if anything happens, to meet in the junior science lab, so that's where I headed. As I sprinted up the stairs, I tried to stay as silent as possible.

When I turned the corner, and no one was up or down the hallway, I didn't care about being silent. I stomped my feet as I ran to the classroom, and almost fell as I turned the corner. When I looked up, Scott had his claws out, as did Malia.

"Annie?" Stiles shook his head.

I nodded, catching my breath, "Yeah."

Scott blinked, "How did you--"

"I faked bring infected, but I'm fine, alright? I'm more worried about you, considering I just spoke with Satomi who said this virus killed her whole pack." I huffed.

Kira shook her head, "My great grandmother, Satomi?"

"Your great, great grandmother," Mr. Yukimura nodded.

"Whatever great she is," I interrupted their family history lesson, "she said that it killed her whole pack, and I saw the final effects on a wolf myself... and guys, it's not looking so good."

Malia raised up her hand, showing everyone her claws, she sighed, "I can't make them go back."

"Obviously the virus is affecting the two of you in a way it won't hit any human being," Mr. Yukimura sighed to Malia and Scott.

Stiles shook his head, "You two have to stay out of sight. We have to quarantine you from the quarantine."

"Yeah, but where?" Kira raised her eyebrows, "I mean, what if they get violent? Like on a full moon."

"We shouldn't stay here," Scott shook his head, "and not in the locker room."

"No classroom is going to hold us," Malia bit her claws.

"What about the basement?" Kira shrugged.

Scott shook his head, "Too many ways out. We need something secure. Somewhere nobody can find us."

I exhaled, "The vault." I nodded, "The Hale vault. The Hales always have an escape route, like their house, there has to be another way in."

Stiles looked over at the blueprint hanging in a frame on the wall. He walked over and picked up the entire glass frame, then dropped it. I looked over him like he was crazy, and he just shrugged my gesture off. He pulled the blueprint from the shards of broken glass and laid it out on the table. He pointed to a spot on the building. "This is where the school sign is, so the vault's got to be about here." he circled an area with a marker.

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