Always a Monster - Chapter Fifty-Four

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Scott held me by my throat, and I shook my head. This wasn't him. This wasn't Scott. Scott wasn't this monster.

"Scott, Scott!" I yelled, "Listen, listen, listen!"

Scott seemed to calm, and I inhaled. "You're not a monster!" I breathed heavily, my lungs heaving for air. "You're a werewolf! Like me."

I watched Scott's eyes as he blinked rapidly, and then released me from his grasp. He was probably remembering all of his memories. Like the time he told me the exact thing I just told him, the time Stiles and he gawked at Annie and I down the hallway, the first kiss he had with Allison, the last he had with Kira. All the things that made him human.

All the things that made him Scott.

Scott stumbled backwards, tearing at the fur and bones draped over him. Annie ran up behind me, her forehead swept with dry blood, and I knew by the smell that it wasn't hers. It was Derek's.

Scott brought both of his hands to the animal skull covering his head, and tore it down the middle, his eyes glowing a bright red as it shattered into yellow light.

Scott roared, and then caught his breath. Annie wrapped her arms around my torso, her bow stabbing me in the ribs... but I didn't care. I loved her so much, and I needed to hold her at the moment.

"You," Scott looked across the room at Peter. "The only who knew as much as Annie about Berserkers, about the Nagual." Annie slowly released her arms from me and brought her hand back, slowly moving an arrow from her quiver and onto the string, pulling back some of the weight as she realized what Scott was saying.

Kate needed someone to teach her, needed someone to help her with the new supernatural stuff... and that person was Peter, of all people. The man who killed her and made her what she was in the first place.

"You taught Kate," Scott shook his head. "You helped her. All for power."

"For my family's power." Peter said loudly, with much anger lacing his voice. Malia's eyes widened as she backed away from her newfound father. "To be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible, he won't shed blood of his enemies even when justified." Peter let out a low and solemn growl, "You don't deserve your power." Peter cracked his neck, bringing out his claws and fangs, his facial features taking the form of a wolf's. "Not power like this."

Malia rushed at her father, but Peter kicked her back, smashing the flip side of her head into a concrete wall. "Oh, sorry, sweetheart. We'll talk about this later," Peter said sarcastically.

Peter took a step forward, and Annie raised her bow, about to shoot, when Scott interrupted her with his low roar. "Annie!"

Annie lowered her hands, looking back at Scott, and I did as well. His eyes were glowing his vibrant, cherry red, and his fangs and claws were intimidating just to look at. Scott nodded to all of us, telling us that this was his fight... no one else's. This was between Peter and he.

"You were my first Beta, Scott." Peter growled in a dark tone, sending chills up my spine. "It was my bite that changed your life, and my bite that can end it."

Scott snarled, "Then, end it, Peter."

Scott and Peter both jumped into the air, and they both fell to the hard ground from each other's blows. Peter was the first to get up, and I held in my urge to go help my Alpha as he kicked Scott in the ribs, turning him over on his side.

"Come on, Scott." Peter growled, and Scott pushed himself to his feet. Peter threw a single punch to Scott's nose, sending him wobbling backwards. "Come on! Pathetic."

Scott threw a punch, missing terribly, and getting nailed in the jaw for the misguide. Peter shook out his knuckles, "Fight like an Alpha, Scott."

Peter punched Scott once again in the nose, sending him stumbling back once again. "You want to defeat me? You're going to have to kill me!"

As Peter threw the next hit, Scott grabbed his hand with one fist, pushing it backwards. Scott roared as he brought his fist back, hitting Peter in the face repeatedly. Scott jumped up, and with one final blow, Peter fell to his knees.

Scott panted in front of him, "You were never an Alpha, Peter... but you were always a monster."

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