Such a Help - Chapter Thirty-Six

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I threw my fist at Scott, hitting him square in the nose as I raised my fist back once again, aiming this one at his eye. Isaac caught my hand, holding me back, while Stiles helped Scott to his feet, pressing a towel to his bloodied nose. I shook my head, panting, wiping the sweat that had beaded on my forehead and the few tears that had ran down my face.

"Liam," Scott shook his head, his nose healing from purple to peach skin. "I'm sorry, but--"

"It wasn't your choice, Scott," I interrupted him, some of my body weight being supported by Isaac's arms. "It wasn't your choice."


I walked out of the hospital bathroom, my head throbbing, my face damp with fresh tears. I shook my head, five days... Five damn days, Annie has been laying in her bed unconscious. She's not responding to any treatment, and who knows if she ever will, considering today they found a hemorrhaging on the stem of her brain, prohibiting any movement.

Possibly, permanent comatose.

I walked down the hallway, and ducked quickly as Isaac walked towards me down the other side of the hallway. I moved to the completely opposite side, acting as if the kid had an STD that I wanted to escape.

Over the course of the last few days, Scott's told me a little bit about Isaac, his back story. It's kind of sad, and I know I shouldn't be blaming this whole thing on him.... but I do. It's his fault that she's in a coma, with a 20% chance of waking up, and an 80% of dying.

I kept my eyes forward as Isaac passed me, his eyes finding me and staying there. Just as I was escaping his presence, he turned and yelled, "Liam!"

I stopped, my back still facing him, and sighed before turning around and raising my eyebrows.

"I want you to know that Annie told me to save Mason first," Isaac sighed. "I respected her choices, because I know that she wished this on herself rather than Mason."

I huffed, "She wouldn't of wanted this. No one wants this."

"Listen," Isaac walked towards me, "Annie is my sister, okay? Annie and I were friends before I even became a werewolf, and in any circumstance I'd kill you right now for even talking about knowing her... no one really knows Annie, okay? No one does. Not me, not you, not Mason or Scott, not Stiles... no one does. The only one who did was Allison."

I shrunk back, knowing that he was right. Annie was independent, she was her own person, and when she set her mind to something... there was no changing it. Just like with Mason in the car.

"I'm sorry," I shook my head, a tear escaping my eye, but I quickly shook it away. "I know you all care about her."

"I love her," Isaac raised his eyebrows at me, "and so do you... and in the end, being and working together is the only way we are going to make it through this."

A single tear ran down my face, and the next thing I know Isaac grabbed me, holding me in his embrace, making me feel like he was my brother.

* * *

I sat next to Annie, my hand in hers, and I listened to her breathing. Slow, but steady. My eyes began to flutter shut, my heart humming to the sound of her lungs, when a hand rested on my shoulder. I cleared my throat, sitting up in the uncomfortable hospital chair that I've grown so fond of the past six nights.

"Hey," Scott smirked down at me. "Maybe you should go home, Liam. I can stay with Annie. You're here every night after school, and every morning prior."

I huffed, stroking her warm hand with mine. "Not a chance."

Scott smiled sadly, as if he felt bad for me. "Alright, well, I hope you don't mind if I stay."

I shook my head as Scott pulled up a chair on the other side of Annie's bed, holding her other hand in his, and kicking his feet up. That was how the night went, all of us, together, sleeping away into bliss.

* * *

I parked my car in the parking lot at the hospital, rubbing my eyes. Today was a long day at school. Suddenly, all my senses went haywire, and I felt a rushing feeling run down my spine. I quickly got out of my car and ran into the hospital, where Peter, Derek, Isaac, Scott, Stiles, Malia, Deaton, and Argent all stood inside. I shook my head, rushing towards them.

"Where is she?" I screamed, throwing myself at the barricade of bodies. "Where the hell is she? Let me see her!"

Scott pushed me back with one hand, "Liam, listen..."

I shook my head, panting and falling to my knees. Scott kneeled down next to me, "Liam, listen... Annie went into cardiac arrest while you were gone, her brain was beginning to shut down." I shook my head, no tears were coming... just anger. "Liam, she's alive, but listen, I helped her."

I looked up at him, "What the hell are you saying, Scott?"

Scott closed his eyes, "She was going to die... she needed my help." Scott paused, "I helped her."

I shook my head, processing everything he was saying, and then I looked up at him, completely silent. I hurled myself at him, pinning him down at punching him twice in the mouth. Argent yanked me away from me, but I did not rest.

I threw my fist at Scott, hitting him square in the nose as I raised my fist back once again, aiming this one at his eye. Isaac caught my hand, holding me back, while Stiles helped Scott to his feet, pressing a towel to his bloodied nose. I shook my head, panting, wiping the sweat that had beaded on my forehead and the few tears that had ran down my face.

"Liam," Scott shook his head, his nose healing from purple to peach skin. "I'm sorry, but--"

"It wasn't your choice, Scott," I interrupted him, some of my body weight being supported by Isaac's arms. "It wasn't your choice."

Scott shook his head, trying to come up with a good excuse, but there wasn't one. Annie was my girlfriend, my love, my life... she would rather of died than be a monster like us.

"I can't believe you would do this to her, Scott. I can't believe you would turn her into one of... us."

I can't believe that Annie's a...


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