Chapter 15

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and so the days passed. it has already been six months since their marriage, and the forcefully married couple was getting along better day by day. People might even think they fell in love.

Today was not any typical day. Today was someone's birthday, it was Jungkook's. and you may imagine how excited Taehyung was. Excited because there is a reason to celebrate, no other reason for his excitement, so he claims.

Jungkook had to work even on his birthday, so he was not at home. This allowed Taehyung to plan a surprise party for Jungkook at their house. He has already invited Jungkook's closest friends and ordered Jungkook's favorite cake. The party starts at 9pm, it is 2 pm now so he still had some time to decorate and tidy up everything. Jimin was already there to help.

"Taehyung, where do I hang the balloons?"

"above the television, make sure they look pretty"

Taehyung replied in a cheerful voice. Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"never knew you were a perfectionist. love really changes people"

Jimin said mocking his best friend. Taehyung blushed and frowned.

"What do you mean? I am not in love , Jimin!"

"Oh yea sure, you are madly in love, Mr. Jeon Taehyung"

Jimin said emphasizing the word 'madly' to annoy his best friend, but also to make him aware of his feelings since Taehyung seemed too stupid to realize his own feeling for Jungkook.

"Jimiiiiiin, stop I am not"

Taehyung whined and walked over to his best friend and sat next to him on the couch.

"are you sure? hundred percent sure?"

Jimin questioned his friend with a suspicious look. Taehyung hesitated.

Mission succeeded 

Jimin smiled, stood up and walked away from Taehyung leaving the sliver-head seated and thinking about his friend's question. There is no way he fell for Jungkook.

Well, Jungkook was pretty nice to him in the last months. Actually, very nice. They started spending more time together. Jungkook was very considerate of his feelings and preferences. He never said no to him. Taehyung felt really happy and safe with Jungkook. He would never admit it, but he even misses Jungkook sometimes when he is at work. And Jungkook was fucking hot, especially in bed. But does that mean that he likes Jungkook? Maybe he just got used to him?

"What the fuck Taehyung???"

He thought as he immediately stood up and cursed Jimin internally for making him have these thoughts. He looked at the clock, he needs to hurry up and finish preparing everything so he could take a shower and get ready. To distract himself from thinking about Jungkook he immediately went back to help Jimin.

After two hours, everything was set up and the house looked very pretty. It was not a lot of work, since there won't be a lot of guests. They only invited Jungkook's four close friends, so in total they were seven. Jungkook was never the type to have a many friends, he liked to keep his circle small. Suddenly, the bell rang.

"must be the cake"

Jimin shouted from the kitchen.

"I'll get it"

Taehyung replied as he walked towards the door. Indeed, it was the delivery guy with the cake. Taehyung thanked him and carefully took the cake and went to the kitchen. He placed it in the fridge since there was still some time left till everyone arrives.

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