Chapter 9

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It was quiet at home.

Since Taehyung's company is doing some renovations, he has a day off. He still needs to finish some work nonetheless.

Jungkook left early in the morning telling Taehyung that he might come back a bit late today. And for the first time, Taehyung wished Jungkook was here. It was so boring at home.

The silver head stole a glance at the clock, 3:21 pm it read. It was almost lunch time, he signed in frustration as he can't cook. Should he order pizza? Or just make cereal?

Just when he stood up to head to the kitchen, his phone rang. "husband" the screen lit, and so did Taehyung's face.


"taehyung, I forgot a folder at home in my office. It's black, could you bring it please?"

"should I bring it to your company?"

"yes, just tell the guards you're my husband and they'll let you in, I have to go, thanks by the way"

And he hang up.

Taehyung puffed his cheeks in anger, he thought the older called him to make sure he's doing well. He shook these thoughts off his head and went to Jungkook's office.

When he opened the door, he was met with a surprisingly very organized room. It smelled really good, like cinnamon and honey. He allowed himself to wander through the office and then went to the desk to look for the folder.

It was easy to find since all other folders are brown. As he grabbed it, he noticed a photo frame on the desk. It was their marriage photo. Taehyung smiled a bit as he observed it.

The older was standing behind Taehyung and holding onto his waist tightly. The younger was leaning on Jungkook's shoulder, both were smiling. He liked the picture, it wasn't bad.

He then went out of the room, to change his clothes. He cannot possibly go to a company with only a t-shirt on.
What should he wear? Casual clothes? A suit? After ten minutes of thinking and turning his closet into a mess, he decided to wear a long sleeved white shirt and black jeans.

He folded the sleeves up to his elbows and left the first two buttons open. The last touch was a watch and of course, he didn't forget to put on his wedding ring.

The silver head put on his shoes and his black coat and got out of the house after grabbing his keys. Since the company is not very far from their house, Taehyung didn't take his car and walked there.

He felt surprisingly active today.

It took him almost fifteen minutes to arrive since he tried to walk fast in order to not keep Jungkook waiting.
The building was so huge and outstanding he immediately recognized it and got in.

"where are you heading to, sir?"

A tall man stopped him, a bodyguard, Taehyung assumed. So he held up the folder and his hand with the ring.

"I need to give this to Jungk- Mr. Jeon, I'm his husband"

The bodyguard was taken aback for a moment, but nodded immediately and let the younger get in.

Taehyung thanked him and looked around mesmerized by how big the place is, it had probably more than seven floors. He glanced left and right and noticed an elevator. He did feel active today, but not that active to walk up the stairs.

"which floor is it?"

He whispered to himself as he got into the elevator and stared at the buttons. "offices" was written on one of them, so he pressed it hoping to find Jungkook there. When he got out he was met with a very quiet place.

There was a hallway and on the left and right you could see rows of closed doors, these were the offices. Now, everything got more difficult, Taehyung had no idea what to do.

"fuck him, I'm going to sli-"

"hmm who do we have here?"

A voice from behind said, Taehyung turned around and saw a red haired guy, he looked familiar but Taehyung couldn't figure out where he has seen him.

"umm excuse me but do you know where Mr. Jeon's office is?"

Taehyung asked hesitant as the other guy walked closer to him but kept a comfortable distance. The red head raised an eyebrow

"and why do you want to know that?"

Taehyung blinked a few and held up the folder, "I need to hand this to him"

"I can gi- wait a second, you are his husband, aren't you?"

Taehyung nodded as answer to the other guy's question, who smiled friendly afterwards.

"I just recognized you, Jungkook's office is on the ninth floor. I'm Hoseok, we met at the wedding"

And then it kicked for Taehyung, he finally remembered where he met the guy. The younger smiled back at him, introduced himself and thanked him before heading to Jungkook.

He went back to the elevator and pressed the button to the ninth floor, it didn't take long, he was at the fifth floor. One door was the only thing to see as he got out. There was also a coffee table and couches on the right.

"that must be his office"

Taehyung mumbled to himself and went to knock on the door. A tired "Come in" signaled him to open the door and put a smile on his face.

"sorry I'm late"

He said as he looked around in awe at the office, then he handed the folder to Jungkook and plopped at the couch in front of his desk.

The older was surrounded by lots of papers and folders, he was signing and writing things down. It was so obvious that he was exhausted.

"thanks, you don't have to stay here if you don't want to"

Jungkook told the younger as he opened the black folder and took its content out. Taehyung shook his head and stood up to look out of the window.

"Jungkook, I'm hungry"

"then go eat" was Jungkook's only response without looking up. Taehyung pouted and went to his husband trying to catch his attention.

"come oooon, let's eat together"

no answer...

"jungkooook pretty pretty please"

But Jungkook didn't bat an eye and stayed focus on his work.

"pretty pretty please with cream and sprinkles on top"

His pleading made Jungkook laugh, the older turned and faced Taehyung who was trying to convince him by making puppy eyes. Jungkook smiled and muttered a small "alright" that made Taehyung squeal in excitement.


I. Am. So. Lateeeee. Sorryyyyyyyyyy

My exams phase ended thanks to the Lord above. Now I have a little break for two weeks or so then I'll be back to exams and shits but that's how it is ;-;

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How was y'all's day? How are you doing~❤

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