Chapter 6

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"Jeon Taehyung, wake up!"

Jungkook said as he shook Taehyung's body who was sleeping on the couch in the living room.


Taehyung asked as he opened one eye not being able to open both out of fatigue.

"why are you sleeping here?"

Jungkook asked as he pulled the blanket off Taehyung revealing part of the younger's body since the silver head was wearing a red crop top with a pair of leggings.

"I'm not used to sharing a bed with someone else"

The younger said as he sat up and stretched letting his tummy show. He didn't notice Jungkook's eyes that were checking him out.

"we'll be visiting my parents' house in the afternoon, behave there"

Jungkook said as he threw the blanket back at Taehyung covering his exposed body.

Taehyung hummed and stood up heading to the bathroom after stealing a glance at the clock, 11:47 it read.

A delicious smell hit his nose as he walked out of the bathroom. Ramen he thought recognizing the smell as he headed to where it was coming from.

He entered the kitchen and saw Jungkook putting Ramen in two bowls. The dark head looked at Taehyung after hearing his footsteps.

"are we..eating Ramen for breakfast?"

Taehyung questioned and saw Jungkook's eyes darken.

"what? Do you have a problem with that?"

"n-no, absolutely not"

The silver head answered irritated by Jungkook getting upset, the latter took the bowls and placed them on the table and sat down, digging into his food.

Taehyung blinked a few before sitting opposite to the older, grabbing his fork and starting to eat.

"why are we going to your parents' house by the way?"

Taehyung asked before eating some noodles making a slurp sound.

"they want to get to know you better, that's what they said"

Jungkook said shrugging his shoulders and staring at the younger.
Taehyung nodded and proceeded to eat his food, but noticed the elder's gaze on him.


"why are you wearing a crop top?"

The silver head knotted his eyebrows together at Jungkook's question.

"uhh..because it was made to be worn?"

He answered, more like questioned the elder's stupidity. Jungkook eyed Taehyung from head to toe, then hummed as a response.

Taehyung washed the dishes after they finished eating. The older male was sitting in the living room, scrolling through social networking sites on his phone.

"hey husband"

The latter called Taehyung sarcastically, the silver head rolled his eyes as he heard the name and got out of the kitchen.

"yes dear"

He answered sarcasm filling every word.

"good one. Anyways don't forget to act normal in front of my parents and wear something decent"

Jungkook remarked busy checking out the younger's body, because in his opinion, it looked damn hot.

"yes yes I will"

Taehyung said as he plopped on the couch and let out a small sigh.

They sat there in a kind of a comfortable silence. Taehyung staring at the ceiling and Jungkook playing with his phone.

"I'll be getting back to work tomorrow"

Taehyung informed breaking the silence. He had gotten a few days off as a congratulation from his boss. Jungkook too canceled his work for a week as well to be able to arrange the marriage and relax for a bit.

"already? I'll be back the day after it. I guess I have the house for myself tomorrow"

Jungkook said with a hint of happiness in his voice as Taehyung glared at him, still lying on the couch.


"you're sleeping on the couch today"

Taehyung said puffing his cheeks and slightly pouting. The older chuckled at the remark.

"yea we'll see, now go get yourself ready"

Taehyung hummed as he stood up heading to the bedroom, ignoring Jungkook's stare that followed him with very step.

He opened his closet as soon as he got in, and look for something decent to wear.

"is he expecting me to wear a suit or what?"

Taehyung mumbled to himself in annoyance as he grabbed a pair of black jeans.

He stared at his shirts and pullovers in hesitation, should he wear his white shirt or his light green shirt?
Maybe he should wear his peach colored pullover?


Taehyung was frustrated and irritated, he couldn't pick what was better to wear. After long ten minutes of thinking, he decided to go with the light green shirt.

He took the shirt along with some underwear and a towel and entered the bathroom to take a shower before changing.

Meanwhile, Jungkook has entered the room and picked what to wear. Black jeans with a black button up shirt.
After ten minutes, Taehyung got out of the bathroom, wearing only his underwear and shirt with the towel wrapped around his hair.

He froze upon noticing Jungkook, who was still changing and therefore wearing no pants and no shirt, only his underwear.

It was terribly awkward.

Taehyung cleared his throat and walked towards the bed to take his jeans that were lying there.

He walked towards his closet and put on his jeans as quickly as he could, trying not to glance at the older who was half naked looking like a whole meal.

He dried his hair and combed it neatly. He had to look good and decent.

He looked at the mirror checking his appearance, maybe he could tuck the shirt in since it was slightly bigger than his size.

"don't tuck it in"

He turned around confused at Jungkook's statement.

"and why is that?"

"it'll let others see your ass"

The older winked at the silver head as he slapped his ass before walking out of the room leaving a very red and startled Taehyung.

"oh lord"


Ha haha hahaha I'm late af sowwy-
I just had the chance to finish writing the chapter, hope you liked it lol

Next chapter will be about the visit, idk if I should make things spicy or not huehehehe

Any thoughts, remarks or comment? :)

And thanks y'all for almost 300 reads on this shitty book ;-;❤

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