Chapter 5: She's Alive

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I roll down the windows and the cold air smacks my face, my hair flys everywhere. I drive around the dangerous part of town and I don't even care what is happening around me. I see thugs drinking, smoking, and hitting on large group of girls. I drive even faster, Eric hits on girls like there's no tomorrow. Everything comes back to him. Eric this, Eric that. Why did Eric do this to me?! I feel like yelling and crying, but what will society think? Society will make some random shit up about me. After all, society does control your life at the end of the day. I come to a immediate stop in an ally between two buildings covered completely with graffiti.

I put both my hands on top of each other and rest my head on my hands. I just want to die.

I feel the need to run away. Like I need to move somewhere secretly, where no one know me. Away from my past, but I can't. I can't just leave my family.


My phone vibrated in my back pocket. What now?! I take it out of my pocket. It's from Tony. I insert my fingerprint and my phone unlocks.

Get home now.

Why does he need me home? He ignored the deal so I'm gonna ignore him. He can message me all he wants I don't care. I turn off my phone and throw it on the passenger seat. I lean back in my seat.

Canada.. It's seems like the perfect spot. No one knows me there. If only I could actually move. But I'm not leaving Tony by himself. He considers me his only family, and so do I. Sure I'm mad at him, but I don't want to hurt him.

"Fuck off Jeremy!" I hear someone yell. I open my eyes and see no one. I stick my head out of the window and look around I see a man holding some sort of metal object and pointing it to someone's head.. I squint my eyes it seems like a- GUN?! I pop my head back in before anyone can see me. I close my eyes and act as if I am sleeping. Please don't see me. Please! Please!

"HEY!" I hear some one scream. "Boss, I just saw someone stick their head out that white Ferrari. Shall I end 'em?"

Lord, help me out please.

"Nah, you take care of Jeremy here and I'll take care of the driver." A husky voice says. I lean my head on the other chair and close my eyes. Time to act like your asleep.

"Hello darling. Come to papa-" He says, he pauses, but I can feel his glare on me. A warm hand grips my wrist. He's checking my pulse. Does he actually think I'm dead?

"She's alive." He mumbles. "Yo, Don. Find out everything about this girl. If she did see anything and tells the police, then we can kill her." I shudder and the word kill.

"On it boss. I just need a picture of her." Don says. I feel some one move some of my hairs behind my ear. I hear a click. Shit, this can't be happening right now. I prefer dying then have some one stalk me.

"I'll go get the car Boss." Don says. I slightly open my right eye. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY LIFE?!

I immediately shut my eye and lean on the steering wheel.

"Boss! Come on! What are you waiting for?!" Don yells.

"Don, I think I've seen this girl before somewhere. I am just thinking where." He says taping his foot against the ground. "Aha! She was the girl I thought was Emily the other day.. Alison." He says. Shit. Shit.

I am gonna die now. I turn fully stiff.

I hear some footsteps. I wait 5 minutes until all the voices, and noises are gone. I pull out of the alley and speed my way home. I park my car in the garage. I click the lock button on my keys and walk over to my front door. I still need to attach my house keys to all my car keys.

Great. I'm locked out. I clench my fist. I pound on the door. I keep pounding for at least 5 minutes.


"Go ask Drew," I hear Tony mumble. Tears start to sting my eye. I won't cry. I won't cry. I won't cry.

"Tony!" I yell. "How dare you?!" I scream running away from the door. I walk and sit outside my black metal gates in front of our massive drive way. In the middle of the driveway there is a stone water fountain. I stand outside the gates in rain and scream in frustration. I see a sharp rock. I don't even think twice and grab the rock. I eye it.

I stab my self with it on my knee. I scream in pain. I repeat the process. My parents basically abandoned us, Drew left us, Tony hates me, and now some guy is after me. I hate this life, and not to mention Eric. All those thoughts just make me hit myself harder.

"Are you crazy?!" I hear a sexy husky voice call. A familiar voice. This can't be happening right now. I fall on the ground. I see a pair of black shoes in some puddles. In the puddles there's some drops of red. My blood.

Everything goes black.

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