Chapter 13: First Day Of School

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I slowly drive into the school parking, as I drive onto the parking lot, people start staring at me and my car. I park my car and grab my bag and my drink, I unlock my seat belt and open the car door. I get out and slam the door shut which attracts more attention.

I take off my aviators and throw them in my bag. More and more people start staring at me. Did I do something wrong?

Some people start gasping, their eyes widen. Is there something wrong with m-me?

I walk into the building fiddling with my hands, its an old habit. Whenever I get nervous I find myself fiddling with my fingers. I find the front foyer, and walk into the office. I open the door and see Gabi seated on a chair in the office. She was waiting for something or someone. She was wearing a pink dress, white flats, and a white cardigan. Her hair was in a neat top not. She see's me and her eyes widen and she smiles.

"H-Hey." I say walking over to her.

"Did you forgive me?"Gabi blurts out. Is she serious right now? "S-Sorry."

"No, its fine."I sigh. "But yes, I did."I say. She smiles and hugs me. I giggle and hug her back.

"Guess what!"Gabi booms.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm your assigned guide! Isn't that great?" She says handing me some papers. They were my schedule and my locker's information.

"I guess," I say.

"Lets go!"She says pulling me out of the office. People eyes widen at me and Gabi. A few girls wave at me and Gabi, Gabi waves back and I don't bother. They're probably just waving at her. Gabi drags me all the way over to the west wing of the school. Then she stops at a wall of lockers and points to a grey locker.

"This is your locker!"Gabi says giggling. I sigh. I look at my sceduale, I had Art, AP History, AP Math, AP Language, PE and Cooking.

"Whats wrong?"I unlock my locker and stuff my bag in there after I take out all my books. I slam the door shut and turn to Gabi.

"Boys are staring at you."She giggles. I roll my eyes.

"No, their staring at you." I say.

"Um, no their not.. They wouldn't dare to after what Kai did to a freshman." She says playfully hitting me.

I don't even wanna know what Kai did.

"Wait, people have been staring at me ever since I got here." I say walking beside Gabi.

"One, because you new. Two, you probably look like someone who went here. Three, well your damn rich, take you car for example. And four, your hanging out with the 'Queen B' -She points to her self- of the school!"She giggles. "Oh and five, guys think you hot."

I sigh, typical boys. "Lets just go to class." I say and Gabi nods leading me to my Art class. Gabi opens the door to the Art class room.

Oh my god. I cant believe it, this Art class room was huge, and art was hung up all around the room.

"I'll be right back." Gabi says strutting off walking towards a skinny boy with braces and huge black rimmed glasses, he had orange hair and freckles. He was wearing a colorful plaid shirt. The typical nerd, right? Why is he doing this to himself.

"WATCH OUT!" I hear a voice yell. I turn to direction where the voice was coming from and I see a foot ball coming my way. I hear some chuckling from the jocks, they think its gonna hit me don't they? Time to prove them wrong.

I catch it with one hand easily. The laughter dies down, the jocks stare at me wide-eyed. I sigh, what century do they live in? Do they actually think I cant play football? I throw it back, and sure enough its too high for the boys to catch.

I smirk, I hear some chuckling from behind me. I turn around and see Chris, Kai, Val and Gabi laughing their ass's off.

"That was a great throw!" Chris says holding up a fist, I fist-pump him.

"Do you play football?" Kai asks.

"I used too play it with my siblings- er, brother.. Tony, you guys now him right?" I say.

"We haven't met him yet, but yes we know him." Kai says holding Gabi's hand while she blushes and turns into a tomato. Okay its was official! Their the cutest couple alive!

"Your the only girl I know of that plays a sport." Val says.

"Hey! I play sports!" Gabi whines.

"Okay, your the only girl I know of that is good at sports!" Val says smirking, which earns a smack in the head from Kai.

"OW!" Val cries. I chuckle.

"Let's just go sit down." Chris chuckles waking to the back of the class room. Gabi grabs my hand and drags me with her to the back of the class. I sat beside Gabi and a window.

"Good morning class!" A teacher greets in a cheery voice, I look up and smirk at the familiar face. Her dark red hair, green eyes, pale skin, natural pink lips, slim figure was wearing a floor length black and white skirt, and a white and black top. She had her hair in a French braid, she looked absolutely gorgeous.

The class fills with 'Good Mornings', she smiled.

"Okay! Let's make sure everyone's here!" She squeaks claps her hands. She starts going in order.

She goes in order and then stumbles across a name.. My name..

"A-Allison Johnson?" She stutters. I raise my hand and smile. "May I see you outside for a moment?" She asks.

"Of course." I say getting up from my seat, everyone is staring at me. Some people start whispering things. There goes my reputation of being a good student.

"It's about your grades sweetie. You have one of the highest grades in the grade. The principle has requested me to talk to you about you grades." She lies to save my reputation opening the door. I walk out and she follows. She closes the door gently.

"Ally, what the hell are you doing in California?" She hiss's.

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