Chapter 29: Grandparents

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The car was coming my way with a girl in it, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw Alex smirking. She works for him. She was ready to crash into my car to stop me. I slammed my hand on the radio button, so the music turned off.

I growl, not today. I start speeding driving her way she panic's and moves out of the way, I smirk and continue driving. She turns around all four cars were on my tail. I grip the wheel tightly my knuckles were turning white. I start slowing down and Alex's car comes beside me, we both roll down out windows.

"What are you doing?"Raymond yells.

"I'm getting away from you guys! What are you guys doing?! Why are you following me?!"I growl. We we're driving at the same speed, I was a bit behind.

"We're trying to stop you!"Alex growls turning his car a bit so it would crash into mine. I start speeding again, (260). I leave Alex's car behind, their jaw's were dropped. I rolled my window back up. Two more cars were driving on this road, Alex really wants to die doesn't her. One car was driving my way, I had enough of this, I turned the wheel all the way so my car was spinning.I was starting to get dizzy.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ALLY?!"I hear Kai scream from another car. All the cars stop in their spots, I smirk and stop spinning and drive straight pass all the cars. I start laughing they will never beat me.

Three more cars come my way, I scream, 9 cars were after me. I start to drive terribly intentionally, I didn't know how I was still driving, my body was sore, I was getting dizzy and I felt like I was gonna vomit. The cars were gaining on me. I take a sharp left turn, some cars went right, some followed me. But soon all 9 cars were back on my tail.

The girl's were all pilled up in a white Audi SUV, they drive up beside me. I roll down my window and so do they, I place my aviators on my head.


"Ally! Just stop, you'll crash you car!" Diana yells in the driver seat. I growl and roll up my window. I put my aviators back on my nose.

I speed and drive left so I was going back home to my mansion, I cant visit them now, I'll just sneak out at night and visit them. I was starting to calm down, no one was behind me anymore. I lost them, I smiled. Thank the lord-

Out of no where Alex's car popped up beside me, I screamed as loud as I could. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. My life was a lie, I never had true loyal friends. They were all fake.

This made me mad so I drove recklessly, but all 9 cars were still on my tail. Kai's car drives next to me and tries crashing into my car. I growl, I wipe my cheeks but don't bother wiping under my eyes, they wouldn't see my tears under my sunglasses.

I rolled down my tinted black windows.


"Fine!" Val yells. "Just stop driving!"

"Why do you care?!" I snap.

"We don't want you doing something stupid! Like kill yourself!" Kai snaps.

"I wasn't going to kill myself!" I snap. "Because of you, I almost crashed my car several times! You guys almost killed me!" I hiss rolling up my window.

I start driving faster and 6 more cars come of in front of me. I scream and stop the car, the wheel hits my head and it starts bleeding a bit.

"Fuck!" I scream. I look behind my car, all the other 9 cars are lined up. Alex got out of his car with a gun. I groan, I'm not that weak. I start my car again and drive off before he could do anything. Alex groaned and got back into this car, all 15 cars started to follow me.

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