Chapter 56: Tony

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I leaned in the hospital bed, my sore body making contact with the warm baby blue and white wrinkled bed sheets, I wiped my tears with the tip's of my fingers. Why am I still alive? Why didn't I die?

I pulled my hair in frustration, and growled.

I looked around the room and saw black, white and red roses every where alone with cards and small teddy bears.

I looked down at my hands and saw they were pale, and I even had a hospital admission slip on my left wrist.

I see the IV hooked up onto me, the heart monitor kept making the irritating beeb.

So I did what any sane person would do; punch the screen so it shattered. My knuckles were covered in blood and small shards of glass.

I pulled the IV off me. I pulled the white thin covers off me to reveal a baby blue and white hospital gown. I groan and swing my legs off the bed. My bare feet make contact with the cold white tiled floor. I stand up and was about to fall, but I grabbed onto the bed to stable myself. I see my tank top, black women's Jordan's, a black zip up hoodie, and my sweatpants folded next to the roses. All the windows wee covered by curtains so I could change without anyone watching me. I ripped the hospital dress off me and slipped my black tank top over my black bra, and slipped on my grey sweatpants on top of my black panties. I slipped on my pair of black women Jordan's as well. My watch was already around my wrist and my name plate was around my neck as well. I dug my hands in my pocket and found a hair tie and my phone. I put my hair up into a high pony.

I slowly, walked to the door, almost toppling over twice.

I open the door, and stick my head out of the room looking right and left. I see everyone from the gang other than Alex and Kai. Elena, Nicky, Blake, Alma, Lilly, Scar and Tony sleeping on the un-comfortable hospital chairs. I quickly get out of the room, gently close the door, I run down the halls, my feet padding against the floor.

I ran down a few flights of stairs until I found a elevator. I slammed my bruised, bloody hand on the button and winced.

The elevator chimed and the elevator doors swung open. Alex and Kai was standing there. Alex had bloodshot red eyes and bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, his black hair was messy, he was wearing his signature black leather jacket, a white wrinkled shirt and wrinkled black jeans, and a pair of black Jordan's. Kai was just looked plain tired, bags under eyes, and hair messy, but he didn't have red eyes, he was wearing a black leather jacket, wrinkled black tee, pair of jeans, and some all black Nike's. I quickly slipped my huge hood on that covered the top portion of my face.

Both of them were holding one tray of coffee each. None of them noticed me yet, thankfully.

I pressed the 'G' button, for the main floor or ground floor. I stood in the corner of the elevator trying to be invisible.

"I'm so tired.." Kai groans rubbing his face. "It's been 4 days! Dude lets go home, Tony, Scar, Nicky, Jade, Jem, Grace, Gabi, Blake, Lilly and Elena are staying here aren't they? They'll inform us if anything happens, if they don't, your mom will."

"I can't Kai! I pressured her and said things I should've never said! Knowing that I'm the reason why she might not wake up, I can never live in peace." Alex yells tugging on his messy knotted black hair.

Kai shakes his head, "Your really think that? Your really think she won't wake up? Alex, Ally's been through so much, nothing can kill her, the deepest wounds, the strongest pills, nothing."

"Kai, the doctors said there's a 71% chance she won't wake up, never ever again. If she doesn't wake up, I'm ruining so many lives, her brother will never be happy again, he loves her so much. Like I love Mel, like you love Gabi. I'm ruining his life too, not to mention her parents!" Alex says looking my way. "Can you stop eavesdropping?!" He growls.

I take my hood off, and look Alex in the eye. "You created this monster Alex.. You woke up the Lost Girl. If I were you, I'd be running right now, you have no idea what the fuck I can do!

I may not have a gang like you, but I'm definitely more experienced and stronger than you guys." I growl poking his shirt with my bloody index finger. Some of the blood did actually rub off.

"Your... Your awake!" Kai says.

"I would've been much happier if I were dead. Who saved me anyway? Was it you, Alex or Val? Let me guess, it was Alex, since he just loves ruining my life! Doesn't he?!" I yell clenching my fists.

"I had to save you!" Alex yells.

"Why?! Because you want to use me so your on Drew and Mari's good side?! Is that it?!" I yell, my hands shaking from so much anger.

The elevator chimes and the elevator doors swing open.. I look him in the eyes with so much hatred and venom.. I despised Alexander Monroe.. I walked out of the elevator, but gave the boys one last glance.. Alex looked at me, his eyes holding sadness, Kai was straight up surprised. What did he think I was gonna do when I found out Alex saved me? Kiss his ass? Have sex with him? Be grateful to him for the rest of my life?

I turned on my heel and walked towards the exit. I heard Alex and Kai's cries for me to stop, but I wouldn't stop.

I pushed the glass doors out of the way and walked outside, it was still bright outside. I looked at my watch, 9;34 am.

I heard someone behind me, I turned around and saw Alex and everyone behind him.

Tony stood there, he had bags under his eyes, and his eyes were bloodshot red. His black button up was all wrinkled and rolled up to his elbows, his pants were also wrinkled and his black shoes were all dirty and muddy.

"Ally.." He whispered, he was about to hug me, but he stopped, pain and anger flashed in his eyes. "I can't believe you did that! Your promised me-"

"I promised you that I wouldn't do anything unless it was important!" I yelled tears prickling my eyes. "Do you think I had a choice Tony?!"

"What made you wanna do this?!" He yelled, clenching his fists.

"Oh my god! What don't you understand?! I'm tired of living in fear, no one lets me go out anymore with out a gun, I just wanted to be a normal teenager! But no, just hand me a guns, knifes, cars, and all the money in the world then leave with out thinking of the consequences! Have you ever even thought about what goes on in my mind?!

It's fucking crazy in here!" I say tapping the side of my head. "I couldn't live like this anymore! Mari and Drew are coming back, and guess what Tony! Derek is actually on their side! He tried to kidnap me, everything is money these days!

No one cares about anything else! I've never met anyone loyal in my life! Jade, Jem, Grace, Chelsea, Jason, Elena, Lilly, Gabi! All of them! Every single one of them, their all fake! The two people I loved unconditionally, are out there planning my death right now! There responsible for our mothers state, and their playing jeopardy with our fathers life! We don't even know if they'll survive or not!" I yell tears were steaming down my cheeks, my chest was rising from my anger, and my throat hurt from so much screaming.

Everyone was shocked from my outburst. I sighed, "Tony, I'm only doing this because I love you.. I could never handle hearing the news that you were kidnapped too."

"I promise you, we'll figure this out, just don't do anything stupid please.. Your literally my only family left, you know how mum and dad are.. If my baby sister died, my life would be over.." He said, wiping a few of his tears.

"Aren't promises made to be broken?" I whisper wiping my tears.

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