Chapter 34: The Lost Girl

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"This is your dog?" I ask putting the dog down.

"It's yours now." He says in a slight British accent. He smiles flashing me his bright teeth and left dimple.

Derek had brown hair, pale skin, green-blue eyes, he was 6'1, and he was quite fit. He had one left dimple and white teeth.

"Really?!" I say grinning like a fool. I always wanted a dog, but I just couldn't go to the dog shelter, if I did I probably would've came home will all the dogs there.

"Yep, and you get to name her." He says.

"Ally, wanna introduce us to the guy in your house?" Chelsea asks.

"Oh, um sure. This is Derek, a family friend, he's like another brother to me. And Derek, that is Chelsea, Diana and Mel. You remember Kylie and Gabrielle right?" I ask.

"Yea." He says. "It's nice to meet you girls."

"You too." They all say back.

"Why did you buy me a puppy?" I ask.

"Well, I know you always wanted a puppy, and your birthday was coming up so, I just bought you a puppy. Makes sense right?" He says.

"Yea, that's really sweet of you." I say giving him a hug inhaling his strong cologne. I pull away.

"So, are you girls gonna be staying with Ally tonight?" Derek asks.

"Yep." Kylie says. "Your gonna say for the night?"

"No, I have to get back home. Mother is demanding for me to stay for the night, she's making her famous lasagna." He says.

"Are you gonna be here tomorrow?" Gabi asks.

"You guys have school don't you?" Derek asks.

"Yea." Kylie says.

"Then I won't." Derek says. He looks at his wrist watch,"I should be going. It was nice meeting you girls. Bye."

"Bye Derek." We all chirp. He waves then closes the door. I pick up the dog and sit down putting her in my lap. She licks my face, I giggle in return.

"Talk about hot!" Diana says fanning herself.

"Aren't you dating Conner?" I snort.

"Yea! Yea! But that doesn't mean I can't eye rape other men!" Diana says falling into the couch.

"Your the first to admit to eye rape some one." Mel laughs.

"Oh please, like you weren't doing the same." Diana says.

"I wasn't!" She says. "I'm dating Chris!"

"Okay! Okay! Guys, stop fighting!" Chelsea says.

"So Ally, what are you gonna name the dog?" Gabi says petting the dog.

"I don't know, any suggestions?" I ask.

"Ooo! What about Mari?" Diana says looking up from her phone. I freeze.

"I say Ariana." Mel says.

"Andrea." Chelsea says.

"Avery." Kylie says.

"Lilly." Gabi says.

"I think Avery would be nice." I say, I look at my dog and she jumps at the name Avery.

"Yep, Avery's her name." Kylie smiles.

"Avery." I smile.

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