Chapter 14: Aunt Melanie

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"Nice to see you too Aunt Melanie." I say crossing my arms. "Did mom not tell you me and Tony moved here?" I ask.

"What?!" She squeaks she pauses, then speaks again. "You know what darling, you stay after school and explain everything to me, I tried calling your mother a few times yesterday but she wouldn't pick up. Neither would Harold." She sighs.

"Sure Aunt Melanie." I say. "I actually do have to lots to tell you." I smile.

"Sweetie, Mrs. Hurley is school. You don't want anyone knowing I'm your aunt." She smiles. I nod. "Did you find out anything about Andrew and Marisa?" She asks. I flinch at her name.

"I know for a fact that Mari and Drew are together, when they left they stated in their note that they would stick together. But recently I found out that Drew is somewhere here in America, that means Mari is somewhere here too. " I say, Aunt Melanie gasps.

"You shouldn't be here than, you should be in London.. It's safer for you there." Aunt Melanie says.

"I don't know about that Mrs. Hurley." I say.

"You, need to come after school. I need to talk to you about a few things." Aunt Melanie says. I nod.

She opens the door and walks inside the classroom, I follow her than take a seat at my desk.

"Al, what happened?" Gabi whispers.

"Later." I mouth to Gabi, she nods with a raised eye brow.

"Okay class! So we are on the topic of painting. You will be painting a peer in this class, and remember, this is one of your major assignments!" Aunt Melanie reminds.

People instantly start talking about who their partners are gonna be.

"Sorry to crush your hopes class, but I will be choosing your partners." Aunt Melanie says smirking. She stares at me, I can see pure evil in her eyes.

She's gonna pair me up with someone crazy isn't she? Some one, she knows that will be a challenge.

Great, she's gonna make this assignment a living hell for me.


Like my day couldn't get worse. Alex walks into the class. He walks to the back of the class room where me and Gabi were sitting, he sits behind me, in the very last row next to Val.

"Alex, wanna explain to the class why you were so late?" Aunt Melanie asks crossing her arms.

"Your not gonna wanna hear it." Alex smirks.

"Alex, did you get into a fight again?" She sighs rubbing her temples.

"No." Alex says kicking his feet up on his desk, his feet were so close to my hair it made me wanna gag. What if he killed someone and theirs blood on the shoes? Ew, just thinking about that makes me grossed out.

"Did you sleep in?" Aunt Melanie asks.

"Sorta." He says.

"What do you mean sorta?" Aunt Melanie asks rolling her eyes.

"I was busy fucking someone." Alex says bluntly smirking. The boys cheer while the girls scream 'Ew!'.

"Detention." Is all Aunt Melanie said. "As I was saying earlier, I will be choosing your partners. If you complain about your partners, there is a slight chance of you failing this assignment." Aunt Melanie says staring at me.

This was going to be a long day.



The bell dismisses me from my last class of the day, Cooking. Today we were just writing down recipes for next class.

I close my books and shove them into my black leather Herschel bag with a gold zipper on it. I slip it on.

"So, how was your first day of school?" Gabi ask's from beside me.

"It was alright." I say walking out of the class with her beside me. I walk to my locker to pick up a few things like my keys, and wallet.

"Ally, stop."Gabi says.

"Stop what?" I ask unlocking my locker.

"You hate me don't you?"Gabi asks grabbing my hand.

"No."I say pulling away from her grip.

"You know why I hate'd it when you said that about Alex?" Gabi asks.

"You don't have to tell me, I know that you love him dearly. I shouldn't have spoken about him like that." I say shrugging it off. I open my locker and grab my keys and wallet.

"You know he can help you find Mari and Drew?" Gabi says in a hushed tone.

"I only want Drew back and don't mention them ever again in school." I hiss slamming my locker door shut.

"Just let me tell you why I trust Ales so much, and why you should too." Gabi says stopping me from walking.

"I will never be able to trust him."I declare waking off.

"Just listen to me." Gabi says catching up to me.

"Later, not right now. I have to go talk to Mrs. Hurley about something." I mumble walking off.

"I'll be at your house." Gabi says, I nod and walk to Aunt Melanie's class room.

"Knock! Knock!"

I knock on the door, and Aunt Melanie opens the door instantly. I look inside the class and Alex, Val, Chris and Kai are seated in the chairs.

I walk inside the classroom.

"What are they doing here?"I hiss, the turn to Aunt Melanie.

"They got detention, so I have to watch them."Aunt Melanie says.

"So, should I come back another time?" I ask. I can feel the boys staring at me.

"No, don't worry.. They wont say anything." Aunt Melanie says. I sigh taking my bag off and letting it fall to the ground.

All the sudden Aunt Melanie pins me against the table so my stomach was on the table and twists my arm then puts a gun next to my head. "BOYS! CHECK HER!" Aunt Melanie declares.

"Oh you fucking bitch." I hiss. "Why is my family so fucked up? You, Drew and Mari?!" I hiss. "Your apart of their gang aren't you?!" I hiss.

I see the boys get up and walk towards me. I try pushing Aunt Melanie off me put she wont budge. The boys walk up to me. Chris, Val and Kai have guns in their hands and they surround me. Alex walks up to me and pulls my hair.

Kill me now.

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