Chapter 7

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The gang were watching YouTube videos on Skye's TV. It was a weird ten things video and for some reason, the narrator was talking about spiders. Suddenly a very close up image of a spider flashed up on the screen making Rubble hide his face and Skye shriek and jump onto Chase. The latter laughed at her.

"It's not funny! I'm terrified of spiders." She still had her arms around the brunette.

"Sorry." Everest laughed, holding her hands up in mock surrender. "What are we doing about food? I'm famished."

"Chinese?" Everyone looked at Skye, shocked. None of them expected that!

"W-what?" Chase asked.

"Chase I haven't eaten a takeaway since I was ten, I'm now fifteen I think a Chinese is overdue. Ok so I might not be eating full sized meals yet but I'm getting there."

"At a snails pace." Muttered Zuma.

"Shut it you! What's everyone having?" They all wrote down their orders and sent Marshall and Rubble to go out and get it. As an ad break came on, Rocky headed upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Skye asked.

"Just having a drink, I left my water bottle in my bag." He smiled.

"We do have a kitchen tap, you know?" Skye laughed.

"I know but may as well finish it."

Zuma followed the light haired boy into his room and produced the bottle from his own bag.

"Looking for this?" He leaned against the wall next to the window.

"Zuma give it back!" Rocky went to snatch the drink away but Zuma dodged out of his way. "Zuma please." Rocky begged.


"Why what?"

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I don't want to lose you guys as friends!"

"We wouldn't leave you Wocky, we'll help you!" With that, Zuma dropped the plastic bottle from the window and it landed in an open bin.

Rocky sat on his bed and leaned against the wall, his head in his hands.

"You probably think I'm just like my dad." He sighed. Zuma sat next to him, a hand on his shoulder.

"Not a bit Wocky. We'll all help you thwough this, like we'we helping Skye."

"Why are you helping me though?"

"The othews awe helping you because they'we youw fwiends. Skye might as well be youw sistew dude."

"What about you?" Rocky's gaze still didn't meet Zuma's. In fact, the boy hadn't noticed that they were holding hands.

"I can't weally say, it's complicated."

"How so?"

Zuma sighed and thought about his next move. "I can show you what I mean."

"Go on then." The brunette placed his other hand lightly on Rocky's face and turned it towards him, their gaze meeting. Their eyes locked and neither of them shifted their line of vision. Slowly, Zuma leaned closer and Rocky did nothing to stop it. They were millimetres apart, their lips grazing gently against each other. Without anymore hesitation, Zuma closed the tiny gap between them and pressed his lips firmly to Rocky's.

The two sat there and enjoyed the moment, one thing running through their minds.

He likes me.

Their kiss lasted for quite some time, the pair moaned into it as their bodies got closer. After a while, Zuma had shifted himself pretty much onto Rocky's lap and wasn't backing down, determined to be the dominant one. As he moved forward again he accidentally pushed Rocky's head onto the wall with a loud thud.

"Shit! Wocky awe you ok?" Zuma pulled away and looked into Rocky's eyes, concerned.

"Hehe I've had worse. I'm more than ok." He smiled, rubbing his hand on the back of his head. They noticed their position and blushed.

"I love you." The brunette smiled.

"I love you too." Rocky smiled back, his hair falling in his eyes slightly. Zuma brushed it away. "Where were we?" The two kissed again,

completely oblivious to Chase, Skye and Everest running up the stairs to see what the noise was.

Everest opened the door and gasped upon seeing the pair making out. She quickly turned around and looked at Chase and Skye.

"What?" Chase tilted his head. Skye had seen through the crack in the door and fist pumped the air.

"Yes! I knew it Ruma is official!"

"We can hear you!" Rocky called out.

Their friends comically poked their heads around the door and smiled nervously.

"How long have you been thewe?"

"Long enough. And besides I think your position gives it away." Chase laughed.

"Oops." Zuma moved off of his now boyfriend's lap but still held is hand.

" guys don't care?"


"Honestly Rocky's been moping like a lovesick puppy!"


"Zuma's been just as bad."


The five heard the door open and smelled the wonderful aroma of Chinese food.

"We're back!" Marshall yelled.

"Coming!" Chase, Skye and Everest bolted down the stairs, leaving the new couple alone again.

"Come on. I'm hungry."

"Pull me up." Zuma held up his hands like a child making Rocky laugh. He pulled Zuma up and the pair stood smiling for a while, just holding each other's hands. Rocky leaned in and gave Zuma a peck on the lips.

"Love you."

"Love you mowe."


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