Chapter 16

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"Everyone got them?" Skye asked as they gathered back in the living room, everyone holding a gift.


"On three." She counted down and they all happily opened their presents and unfolded the material that they held. They now had hold of a hoodie in their favourite colour and on the front was their group name: paw patrol. The latter couldn't help but laugh at how cool yet cliche it was.

"Look at the back." Everest smiled. The group turned around and on the back they each had their name in a silver print.

"Ok this is pretty cool." Marshall said.

"You do wealise that Chase and Mawshall will weaw these once then they'll be stolen, wight?" Zuma laughed. The group giggled and looked as the blonde woman spoke again.

"There's one more thing, look in the pocket." The teens did so and each produced a key with a charm of their initial in their favourite colour attached to it. They looked at her in confusion until Skye realised what the key was actually for. She leaped forward and ran to a door at the base of the stairs.

"What in the world?" Rubble asked as the group followed her. In the door, was another set of stairs leading down to a plain white door.

"I don't get it." Marshall shrugged as she looked at her friends, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"These keys," she stared. "Open this." She unlocked the door and pushed it open revealing a large empty room that spanned to the size of the ground floor of the house. The basement.

"Yeah you've lost me." Rocky said as his sister looked around happily. They could tell by the look on her face that she was planning something. Their parents walked into the room, watching their daughter and laughing at her excitement mixed with the others confusion.

"Since you guys hang out a lot and now film for your channel more often," Skye's father began.

"We decided that rather than cramming into Skye's room you should have somewhere else to hang out. So you guys get the basement."

"You. Are. Joking." They all said, jaws hitting the floor.

"No. We're serious." They smiled from the doorway.

The group collided in a group hug and many thanks to the two grown ups. As they pulled away, Skye looked at her friends and smiled.

"Who's ready for some interior design?!" She happily yelled. There was a laugh from the group as they ran back upstairs to grab a few things like Skye's laptop, her and Rocky's beanbags and some cushions ready to plan out their den.

As they looked at each other one thought crossed their mind;

What a difference a few great people can make in such a short time.

"Ooo this is a good idea!" Skye gasped, showing her friends yet another pin on a room decor board. She was obsessed with Pinterest, that's for sure.

"Should we see how much space we want for everything?" Rubble asked. The group had agreed that as there was plenty of space, they would have a mini kitchen and a toilet installed in the room. Luckily for them, Rubble's father was a builder and plumber who was more than willing to help his son's friends at no cost.

After half an hour and a few rolls of masking tape, the seven friends had decided on a layout and the boys had decided to leave the decorating to the girls, much to their delight.
"Vlogging weekend!" The pair cheered, high-fiving.

"Bye guys!" Rocky and Skye waved their friends off as they left to go back to their families until the weekend when Skye and Everest were going shopping.

Zuma walked over to Rocky and pulled him into a kiss. The grey haired boy smiled as he tilted his head to deepen their embrace. Before the pair got too carried away, Skye cleared her throat, reminding them that she was there.

The two boys pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Bye handsome." Zuma whispered in his boyfriends ear. "Come on Zelda!" He called to the Chocolate Labrador who happily bounded out after him.

The only one remaining, was Chase. Despite the festivities earlier, the brunette seemed down. He was sat in the kitchen with his dog at his feet trying to comfort him. Sensing this, Rocky left him and Skye alone.

Without uttering a word to her boyfriend, Skye picked up her phone and called Chase's mother. She walked into her room and explained his behaviour.

She only expected her to allow him to spend the night but she found out something that she had but hadn't expected at the same time...

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