Chapter 38

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"I have never seen Zuma as the romantic type so it did surprise me to see you with a promise ring - can't lie." Skye admitted.

Her, Everest, Sweetie and Rocky were sat around the small table in the dens kitchen with hot drinks in their hands.

"Well that's my Zumy, full of surprises." Rocky smiled.

The Girls smiled at how Rocky spoke about his boyfriend.

"Anyway, Sweetie. How's Tracker?" Everest grinned. The Scottish girl turned bright red.

"H-h-how would I know?"

"Come off it Sweets! We know you like him." Skye smiled. Rocky nodded in agreement.

"Well maybe a wee bit." The others gave a disapproving glance. "Okay a lot!"


"But I am not asking him out. No way hozé."

"I could do it for you?" Skye offered.

"Similar phrase but with the name Yukoff." Sweetie returned, making the other two giggle and Skye stick out her tongue.

"I might ask him at some point. Might." Sweetie pondered.

"I bet it'll be romantic as hell." Rocky nodded.

"Unlike us." Skye laughed. "Don't get me wrong the boys can be real sweet but they're not that much into the whole romance stuff. Shame really."

Her and Rocky nodded. They glanced at Ev who was smiling in a daydream.



"We were just saying it's a shame about the others not being that romantic."

Everest thought again.


It was a regular day at school. Everest was heading to her seat in maths class and saw a piece of paper on the desk. She read it, expecting a usual harsh note from the brats but instead read a single word.


That was it. She didn't know why but the, at the time, blue haired girl felt compelled to keep. Throughout her day, she collected a few other pieces of paper that were conveniently in places she had to go to. As she finished getting ready for netball training, she looked at the papers she had layers out on the bench in the changing room.

Will you go out with

Silently, she was hoping Marshall was behind this and that the last word would be 'me' but she wasn't keeping her hopes up.

"Come on captain." Carley rolled her eyes in disgust as she called Everest out. Everest grumbled some incoherent words under her breath and plastered on a smile.

"Ok team. Time to shape up." She called as she walked to the courts.

After her training session, Everest finished putting the equipment away, watching her team-'mates' go. She locked the cupboard and returned the key before heading to get her stuff. Upon entering the changing room, she saw that her bag and hoodie were gone. In a panic, she ran to her locker in the hopes someone had dumped it in the corridor.

Indeed, her bag and hoodie were right there by her locker. As was a blushing black haired boy, who held his hands behind his back.

"H-Hey Ev." He stuttered.

"Hi Marsh." She blushed, pulling her teal hoodie on.There was an awkward pause before Marshall spoke up again.

"I, um, I have something for you." He held our his hand and gave Everest a blue rose: her favourite flower. She smiled at the gesture and noticed a small scrap of paper on the stem. She looked at it and the one word made her heart soar:


"Will you?" Marshall asked shyly. Everest didn't speak, just stepped forward and reached up, giving Marshall a kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" She smiled, holding his hand.

"Sorry I didn't quite catch that. Can you repeat?" He teased.

"Smooth." Everest giggled before pulling Marshall in for another kiss.


"EV!" Skye yelled, waving a hand in front of her face.

"Hmm. Oh yeah. Real shame."

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