Chapter 72

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"Okay this is fun." Rocky smiled.

"I know right." Chase said, poking his head up from under a mountain of pillows.

"Skye, where did you leave the popcorn?" Rocky asked, looking among the blankets, pillows and fairy lights for his sister. She was nowhere in sight. "Skye? Skye where you at?"

"In here!" Came a muffled shout.

"Where?" Chase asked. He was hit in the head by a duvet.

"Rocky you bellend! You've shut me in the duvet cover!" She growled. The boys laughed a little and opened the cover, only to laugh harder at the sight of Skye, sat cross-legged and folding her arms, pouting like a child.

"Oh ha ha." Skye's said sarcastically, punching Rocky's arm. The doorbell rang and the siblings looked at each other simultaneously before Rocky groaned and made his way to get the pizza. Skye smiled and looked at the pile of DVDs next to the projector that was pointed to the blank white wall.

"Okay; Bambi, the lion king, Atlantis, lady and the tramp,"

"How many movies?"

"Not nearly enough." Skye giggled. Rocky walked back in with three pizza boxes and sat in the fort while Skye put Winnie the Pooh, the hefalump movie, in the DVD player.

"Don't judge, childhood classic." She nodded.

She carefully made her way back to sit between the boys and opened a bottle of sprite, hearing the satisfying fizz. She wiped her mouth and grabbed her phone.

"Right come on you two. Selfie." She said.

"Every time." Rocky rolled his eyes but still squeezed himself into the frame. All three of them opened snapchat and took a picture. Skye added three blue heart emojis and saved, as well as sending to her story.

Rocky captioned it 'had to crash her night 😂' and posted to his story. Chase wrote 'gotta share bae with her brother tonight 🤣💓' before posting it. When she saw it, Skye laughed.

"Chase you can't say that." She snorted.


"Wow Chase that actually does sound pretty dodgy." Rocky chuckled.

"How?" Chase was well and truly miffed.

"You're sharing me with Rocky."

"That doesn't sound - Oh my god!" Chase lunged for his phone as the reality hit him. Rocky and Skye fell back laughing as Chase quickly edited the caption. He shot them a look.

"Damn Skye you're pretty as hell but you've got a filthy mind." He smiled.

"But you love me." She leaned into his side and reached over his lap, snatching a slice of her bbq cheese pizza and taking a bite. Chase smiled and shook his head, leaning down and giving her a peck on the forehead.

"Goals." Rocky coughed as he busied himself on his phone.

"What are you doing?" Skye asked through a mouthful of food, not bothering to cover her mouth properly.

Rocky gave a mildly disgusted yet amused look. "Beautiful sis. Just sharing your goals-ness on snapchat."

"No! Rocky lemme see!" Skye reached for his phone but the boy held it out of the way. Chase sighed and pressed play on the remote, causing the siblings to suddenly drop the fight and assume their film watching positions. He smiled to himself and sat comfortably with his girlfriend and his friend.

Damn how did I get this lucky? He thought to himself. Even when she's stuffing her face with pizza she's gorgeous.

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