In Between

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     "I can't believe you are making me go to school!" I snarled. Running my hand through my hair as I looked out the passenger side window. "Especially when, oh I don't know, that the Capitulum might get bombed tomorrow!!" I explained, throwing my hands into the air like a mad woman. He rolled his eyes before talking to me in a soft, sincere tone.

"Look, the bombing is not gonna happen until tomorrow night, right? So there is no reason why we shouldn't go to school today. We have to look like we're carrying on with our lives instead of waiting for the ball to drop. It would look like we know nothing and don't see them as an immediate threat. If we seem like we know nothing, the more likely your evidence becomes true."

"Hence a possibility for war-"

"And an end to this nightmare." Ky finished relaxing in his seat. His eyes watching the icy road carefully as small piles of snow framed the street. The faint rattle of chains on his tires came into my ears like a whisper. Feeling an irrational fear rise from my belly to my throat. Shifting in my thick, slim jacket as I tried to ignore the feeling. Keeping my mind occupied with the topic we already started. What I wouldn't kill for it to be a snow day.

"But how do we know if they heed my warning or not?? What if they decided to ignore it! Shouldn't I go back to prove my point even further!! To-"

"Once the council have made up their minds, there is no changing it. Despite their stubbornness, they know the truth when they see one. They're smart people Serena, I'm sure they are weighing all the information you gave them carefully." He pulled into the student parking lot. Taking his familiar spot next to the entrance as I looked at my hands. My heart pounding frantically out of my chest, acting like an animal needing to run. The car engine was turned off, feeling the car die as I could feel his eyes upon me; puzzled. "Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I said too quickly. Jolting from his question as I hundred percent looked like a person who was hiding something. I adverted my eyes, grabbing my arm uncomfortably as I bit my bottom lip.


"It's nothing!!!" I shouted. Earning a well deserved growl as Ky grabbed my chin forcefully. Our faces centimeters apart as his crimson red eyes bore into me.

"Tell me. Now." He demanded with his Alpha dominance. Making me whimper as it was not a good idea to disobey an Alpha, especially if they were your mate.

(Play song)

"You know you're a very popular man Ky Severs." I confessed. My voice calm and steady as I met his crimson eyes with my blue.

"Yeah, so?" Completely oblivious.

"What do you think they would do to me when you're little fan club finds out that we're together?"

"Fan club??" His eyebrows scrunched in confusion. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, your "fan club"!" Doing air quotes with my hands. "The girls who secretly gawk at you behind your back. Admiring every little thing you do and want you all to themselves but are too chicken to confess their feelings to you. And don't even get me started on Rachel!" I groaned, rubbing my temples as I could just see her hate filled face. Seeing the flaring of her nostrils as her bright red hair bounced with every angry step. Huffing and puffing as she wagged her bony finger at me, god what a nightmare.

"Why are you bringing this up?"

I sighed, looking at him with nervous eyes. "Ky, I'm still weak, I'm barely stronger than a human. If one of them confronts me, or corners me I...I won't be able to last in a fight. Not in this state. How shameful I would feel, how embarrassing to see Ky Sever's first Beta, his mate lose to a couple of humans." I bit my lip hard. "They would spit on me without a second thought and in turn try to ruin your name. I-"

Possessive Hearts, His Desired SinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя